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anyone good at economics please assist? - Printable Version

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anyone good at economics please assist? - GRL - 01-30-2013 12:18 AM

1.) suppose that an MBA degree creates no externality because of the benefits of an MBA are internalized by the student in the form of higher wages. If the government subsidies for MBAs, then which of the following statements is correct?
a. the equilibrium quantity of MBAs will equal the socially optimal quantity of MBAs
b. the equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be greater than the socially optimal quantity of MBAs
c. the equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be less than the socially optimal quantity of MBAs

2.) most economists prefer corrective taxes to regulation to correct the pollution problem because
a.) the market-based solution is less costly to society
b.) the market based solution can result in a greater reduction in population
c. the market based solution raises revenue for the government
d.) all of the above

the answer for 1 is B and the answer to 2 is D can someone please explain why to me?

- GunnyCee - 01-30-2013 12:26 AM

First of all, all of your arguments about MBAs are wrong. You are assuming that all colleges educate their students in the ignorant belief that global warming and pollution are the fault of human activity. Anyone who believes this trash believes that humans are capable of destroying the planet through their puny efforts of enjoying their lives. Such arrogance is unbelievable to most rational people on the planet.

The free market solution has made this country the most successful country on the face of the earth. We are the only country on the earth where people are gravitating to, not away from. Europe has tried this stupid social equality time and again and it never works! You are being brain-washed by your teachers to believe that equality is the same as freedom. It isn't. This equality crap has been tried in many countries (China, Russia, Cuba, etc.), and it doesn't work. If I have to explain this to you, then I am wasting my breath.

- Anjaree - 01-30-2013 12:26 AM

1 B is correct. Positive externalities mean that the marginal private cost is smaller the marginal social benefit, so that the subsidy should fill the gap. But as it said MBA graduate will get more higher wage, and also the subsidy from the State, the marginal private benefit will exceed the marginal social benefit. The equilibrium will be greater than usual positive externalities.
2. D is correct.
a is correct because it will shift supply to the left, price will increase and pollution will decrease.It does not need a State's control like regulations.
b is correct.I guess it is not population,but pollution. An increase in price will decrease demand. And in the case of elastic demand, the decrease in quantity and pollution even more.
c. tax will raise revenue for the government. The quota and regulation do not.