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Why are Americans so lazy at learning Spanish? - Printable Version

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Why are Americans so lazy at learning Spanish? - Eleth - 01-30-2013 02:51 AM

especially at learning grammar. Well...there are so many Spanish speaking people who are really good at speaking English. And in America Spanish has the same dignity and importance as Spanish.

- ? - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

they don't know any other language, except english.

- Nigel - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

Because we're not hoping over any borders any time soon. Mate.

- Kokonut - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

I can barely speak/write in English as it is. Plus, i haven't interacted with a single person of Hispanic origin since i was 9. I am half mexican and white >.>

- Descentman - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

we don't live in spain. F spanish
Speak english or get out!

- mina - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

Not obligated to learn Spanish. The Spanish speakers who live here a lot of the times don't bother to learn English for some funky ass reason.

- widemaid958 - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

Hi from France ♫

It's because they don't need it and / or, don't find it interesting.. Most french people do the same with english...

Have a nice day


- Generic - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

I wish I could provide a hasty generalization, I am rather sick of the xenophobic attitudes of many Americans. However, there are many reasons that most Americans do not learn, or do not want to learn Spanish.

For starters, this being the most common, is access. The US is a big country, many areas simply don't have the population of Spanish speakers for it to be worth the time or resources to bother learning Spanish.

Another reason is prejudice, the Tea Party has been very efficient on convincing people that learning Spanish only encourages illegal immigration and will result in social decline. I live in Florida and this seems to be a very popular reason not to learn Spanish.

From a business standpoint, it is a matter of demographics. While Hispanics are a large minority in the US, statistically the average income of Hispanics doesn't have the sales potential to merit Spanish being required in most markets. That isn't to say that having Spanish speakers around isn't a bad idea. Nevertheless, English is still the lingua franca, or language of trade for the majority of first world countries.

Consider though the difference between learning English and Spanish in the US. The public school system is taught in English. The gross majority of communities have English speakers readily available. All our signs and documents are written in English. That is how Spanish speakers are afforded the opportunity to learn it, total immersion. An English speaker desiring to learn Spanish in most areas of the US does not have this opportunity. Consider yourself very lucky that you speak a second language, you have more options in your future than most Americans have.

I understand your frustration in the overall dismissive attitude of many Americans towards learning Spanish. I would like to see a greater emphasis in Spanish being taught in schools, as Hispanics are the fastest growing minority in the US. The future potential for trade and culture would be very much worth the investment. I myself have picked up Spanish by working in the restaurant industry and attempting to use it as often as I can, but especially after 9/11, a surge of ugly nationalism has caused many Americans to distrust other cultures automatically. I'm sure this is a dying trend and hopefully will not be around in the future generation.

- Dayna - 01-30-2013 02:59 AM

well why do americans have to learn spanish? no one's obligated to learn a foreign language, its a matter of freedom of choice! usa is an english speaking country, therefore english will do!