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I reported a child porn twitter feed on twitter. Should I be worried? - Printable Version

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I reported a child porn twitter feed on twitter. Should I be worried? - Some - 01-30-2013 08:25 AM

So there was a thread on an image board website (rules 1 & 2) that posted a link to a twitter feed which has been posting child pron since the 21st or so with over 1000 followers. I biewed some pictures to make sure and it was indeed child pron. I reported it. I did the same with another feed a few minutes later. I know the bigwigs are rather tense when it comes to CP so am I at risk of anything as of now? I didn't save any pics or anything Im not a pedo. I just reported it.

- Mark R - 01-30-2013 08:33 AM

No. You will not get in trouble for simply viewing something and reporting it.

- Pulsar - 01-30-2013 08:33 AM

No problem i can think of.

apart from where you reported it..

if you are in the usa,
you should have reported it to the FBI

if you are in the UK,
in the first instance, report it to your local police station and then to MI5

if you are elsewhere in Europe,
first report it to your local police station
and then report it to interpol.

all contact info is available freely on-line.
if you experience trouble reporting.
or you simply feel threatened.
Email me via yahoo answers,
let me know and i will report it for you.
you will of course , have to provide links and info.
but you will remain anonymous.


- len - 01-30-2013 08:33 AM

Child porn is like illegal drugs in many places. Possession is a crime regardless if someone else left some drugs in your car and you didn't even know about it or you are turning it in. And even if you aren't convicted, if they press charges you could end up on the sex offender registry.

I don't think its likely though.

- William - 01-30-2013 08:33 AM

No just report it. It also might have been a good idea to report it to the FBI if you're in the U.S.

- Conformist - 01-30-2013 08:33 AM

No, just clear your history and tell the FBI or the equivalent for your country.

Just reporting it to twitter will just get that account removed.