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How do i get traffic to my Business? - Printable Version

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How do i get traffic to my Business? - InjuredWorker - 01-30-2013 09:05 AM

I have a website
it has cell phone for with out a contract unlimited for low rates
but I am having trouble with traffic

- Madge - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

You need to do some online marketing work like SEO then you will get traffic on your site.

- Classy - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

For traffic you have to imply good SEO strategies including blogging and content writing with right keyword density. the site may help you if you need blogging and articles for your page.

- Sudhir - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

If you are familiar with SEO and SMO techniques then go for it else you can contact with some Digital Marketing Agency in which one i know is eDynamic and there are lot more which u can get using google.

- EM KAY - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

Business website really demand hard work. You need to really work hard. if your product has related search queries then you should focus on SEO of your website to get permanent and free traffic. Also use other techniques to get traffic like yahoo answers , facebook pages , facebook subscribers , Google+ , youtube and twitter.

- Brownsithily - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

Try permission email marketing!It can help to build opt-in mailing list for regularly customer connection. And highly-designed e-newsletters created through e-newsletter software can bring hundreds of thousands of traffic everyday.

Free email marketing campaign for trial:

- steepsofa054 - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

I've been using IBOToolBox for a few days and I've seen a nice hike in my traffic and I've signed up some affiliates in the network marketing program I'm in.

The site is free and you can link your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and blog sites to it. It's really a fascinating and fun site to network with other people who are also independent business owners (IBO).

- liltammy1988 - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

make sure you are submitting site maps to at least Google and yahoo. make sure your site's titles and meta data are relevant.

I went to your site. I found it to be a little confusing. do you sell cell phones with cheap plans or some sort of social network
1. I found a few spelling errors, you might want to reread your content and make sure you get rid of them.

2.your pages do not have much content (words) at have a lot of empty space Explain everything on your pages. and use keywords in your content and when giving keywords to search engines make sure it is the same words that are throughout your websites content.

3. in the center of the bottom of your home page there is a "how it works" link which leads to a pdf.
I say, get rid of the pdf and explain how it works right on that first page so customers can make sense of your site on the home page (this is crucial)

hope this helps

- SNLW - 01-30-2013 09:13 AM

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