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Should I unfollow my old crush from twitter? - Printable Version

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Should I unfollow my old crush from twitter? - uwillneverguesswhoiam - 01-30-2013 01:37 PM

I really used to like this guy and I might still have feelings for him even though i have a boyfriend. So this guy really ignores me, i have tried to talk to him even though I'm super shy, he does say hi back and we have hugged a couple of times, but the thing is, it's only me the one who always starts the conversation and I got sick of that which is why I decided to get a boyfriend, a guy that actually likes me and doesn't ignore me. Okay so this guy says he hates freshmen and I'm a sophomore yet he has like 2 freshmen friends and that makes me feel really sh*tty like if I wasn't cool enough to hang out with him, and on twitter he is always talking about his friends and never about me. He never mentions me or retweets me and I really don't see the point in following him anymore. So should I just unfollow him?

- hockeyman - 01-30-2013 01:45 PM

ya unfollow him why not?

- Vanilla Latte - 01-30-2013 01:45 PM

If seeing all his tweets and noting the fact that he never retweets you or anything is making you unhappy, then yes, I would unfollow him.
He's not worth it if treats you like sh*t, you deserve better <3 xxx

- Chris - 01-30-2013 01:45 PM

The other guy doesn't seem to be interested... (maybe because you have a boyfriend?) Like I wouldn't be hitting on a girl who has a boyfriend. I don't think twitter is such a big deal, I wouldn't take it personally, but if it's hurting your feelings, I'd say sure, Unfollow him.

- TC23 - 01-30-2013 01:45 PM

Sounds like all the contact traffic is one way.
And it isn't the way he is going.

If he was interested in you, then he would reply back to you.
Following him on Twitter will only hurt you more.

You have a boyfriend, Don't share your affection with another.

I suggest you stop following him. .

- Parrill Apple - 01-30-2013 01:45 PM

Noooo!! He will take that as social media snubbing which will cause him to go nuts and shoot up a puppy mill or something. :/

That was sarcasm. Unfollow him if he is boring. He's probably not following you, is he? I sincerely think that he will not be affected by you unfollowing him as he is simply not interested in you.