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How to get More Recognition on Youtube as a Rapper? - Printable Version

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How to get More Recognition on Youtube as a Rapper? - Anarchists of Today - 01-30-2013 01:45 PM

Now don't treat this as every other similar question because my case is a little bit different. I have been told many times by many people that I have enough skill in rapping to become famous. I also have taken much initiative to promote myself, and even have a small team of promoters promoting me as well. My popularity has recently risen GREATLY but the growth is slowing down as I feel I have saturated the market in my area. Me and my team have posted several of my videos on facebook at least 30 times. I have started branching out to twitter, but that's a work in progress. I have done everything from tags to video responses so all the little tricks and tips I know have been used. I also have resorted to spamming my video on other videos, but I feel the fact that I have talent makes up for the spamming. How do I take the next step and branch out to fans who do not know me personally? I feel like a rocket quickly rising but I need to take this next leap. Please only good advice I'm determined to make it big, and I have the tools to do so. If you wanna check out one of my songs for context, you can find it here:


- Courtney - 01-30-2013 01:53 PM

Facebook, Myspace, Blog Spots, Get out there and travel.. You'll be known soon enough!

- Da - 01-30-2013 01:53 PM

be as good as u can

- Tj - 01-30-2013 01:53 PM

Can somebody repost that link to where it's blue. Much appreciated.


- Aaron - 01-30-2013 01:53 PM

Skills speak for themselves if you are good, then you will get fans and then youre solid. I recommend building a following locally. Thats what all the major ohio artists have done so well (Cudi, Chip, Bone). Even if you dont get national, regional money is pretty good

- Mir - 01-30-2013 01:53 PM

Learn how to publicize yourself and understand what it takes to stand apart from the crowd.

Discover the options that exist in the advertising world for musicians, from consumer print advertising, Web banner ads, co-op advertising, keyword buys with the major Internet search engines and more.

Understand the major changes that have occurred in music retail and distribution, and learn about the various new and time-tested options you have to get your music heard!

Strategy & Process
In the world of music marketing, very little is left to chance. Learn how to formulate an effective plan for marketing that is tailored for your individual goals.

Merchandising is an essential element to any successful marketing plan. Find out what to make, when to make it, and how to optimize this important revenue stream.

Your live show provides the spark that will kick-start your sales and marketing machine –if you have a plan and stay on top of the fundamentals.

Fan Base
Understand what the pros do, when they do it, and how you can incorporate their years of expertise into your own project.

Create a plan for finding, developing, and maintaining your fan base.

The Internet can be a powerful ally to the independent musician if you take the time to understand how to use it correctly

Radio promotion and music marketing is very important for a singer - a renowned music marketing and radio promotion site.
Thanks ....