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Is your attitute toward falling off the fiscal cliff "F----it. Bring it on!!!" Or something else? - Printable Version

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Is your attitute toward falling off the fiscal cliff "F----it. Bring it on!!!" Or something else? - Bill Spry - 01-30-2013 02:16 PM

- DynaFlowHum - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

I say bring it on and let Obama and the Democrats take the full blame

- fifthwheel948 - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

My attitude is "Should I take my 401K and stuff it into a mattress or just go ahead and burn it?"

- Phil - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

starting to say bring it on,obama will never cut his spending,he has spent so much more than bush

- Rob - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

Take your nap old man.

- Patricia - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

i feel it should be left to happen.

it's obvious that our entitlement society must collapse in order to rebuild itself in the only way proven by history to be successful.

- Di - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

As much as I hate to say it, I think it has to happen so that we all get a wake up call that spendulous and and increasing the deficit make our country weaker. That Sequestration will decimate the military and industrial output which supports the military will damage us further was always the intent of Obama, even though he said he wouldn't let it happen.

Sad thing is it isn't up to him anymore as he shucked off the responsibilty as president to actually be bipartisan. The misery will be square on his shoulders.

- DS M - 01-30-2013 02:24 PM

The fiscal cliff is a democrats dream of higher taxes come true. They love Greece because the rich democrats know they will be the last to go on the Obama ride.

The Black community with double the national average unemployment must view it an honor to be discriminated against so Obama could win the KKK's man of the year award for the 4th year. The NAACP financed by rich non-Messianic Jews would normally finance the civil rights leaders out to protest but for the last 4 years, nothing has done or even commented on the discrimination against the Black community by the Obama administration.

Sure, the old civil rights leaders would like to strap on their oxygen bottles to their golf carts so they could lead the protest like they did back in the 1950s but they still can't believe their Obama is worse than any republican and they never learned how to do anything for the last 60 years but play the race card that Obama is playing.

You see, before Obama, the Democrats used to be the compassionate party fighting for social issues...but Obama brought about this change. Democrats only fight their neighbors otherwise known as the other 49%.

The change Obama has brought to the Democrats is though his spending is wild and wasteful, it isn't about caring for common man.

To prove the Obama admin. is all about the lie, has any whacked out environmental group talked about the Obama carbon footprint...specifically, Ms. Obama's carbon foot print.

That girl flies all around the world on vacation with her 22 personal servants at the tax payer's expense. The fact that she isn't at home making sure her husband's needs aren't taken care of flies in the face of all Muslim countries. Michelle and Obama's failed cover ups for his failed foreign policies are why countries around the world hate us so bad.

Obama's brutal attacks of the young by and financed by rich democrats who love young people coming into the job market deep in debt and willing to sell themselves into slavery while he plays golf on courses the common man will never set foot should make the young Obama haters but it doesn't

So whether we are talking about young people heading into the job market
the discrimination against Black people by the Obama administration for causing them to have double the national average in unemployment.
The young entering the job market selling their souls for rock bottom prices to rich democrats who love how Obama has sent them feed lust for greed and power.
the failed foreign policies leading to 30 protests against our embassies at once and the cover up of Obama watching the 7 hours leading to our Ambassador death and telling ready troops to stand down.
The $8.90 an hour Wallmart employee who will have to find out how to pay for the tripling of their Obamacare or be severely punished by a laughing Obama.

Nothing Obama has done has benefited the common man.

Why should this be broken down into several smaller challenges? Because Obama, democrats and caving Republicans want to have a reason to go behind closed doors, line their pockets, and say we had to do all that which you can't see to make this horrible plan the solution.

If you want to fix Obamacare, make Obama, congress and the rich use it before the poor.
If you want to fix taxes, make Obama and congress set the example of how the public should pay.

Let them walk the walk before talking and talking and talking