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Restraining order for a possible stalker? - jeans - 01-30-2013 03:04 PM

In April 2011, a friend of mine admitted that he had fallen in love with me and wanted me to leave my boyfriend for him. I told him no, and he responded by becoming angry and accused me of being insensitive and "laughing at" him. We were in a class together and in the same circle of friends, so seeing each other wasn't uncommon, but it was uncomfortable. He graduated from our high school that year and I thought that would be the last of it.

Since then, he has:
-Left "gifts" at my car during the last week of fall semester and for my birthday in February. This was especially concerning because I parked in the student parking lot, which stays locked until the end of the school day. There is also a parking lot monitor who is next to impossible to get by. I asked all of my friends if they knew anything about the gifts, but they had no idea.

-Contacted me through Facebook to tell me he was thinking of me and wanted to know if my feelings had changed. I respectfully said no. He replied by trying to make me jealous by talking about how relieved he was that he could talk to other girls now.

-Contacted me in person this September. We attended the same college until he moved away at some point this fall. He once again asked if my feelings had changed, to which I said no. He again responded by talking about seeing other girls, then asked if I wanted to go into one of the private rooms in the library and mess around. I told him to leave, and then I went home a few minutes later.

-I saw him sitting outside of one of my classroom buildings, we made eye contact but I did my best to avoid him. He literally ran to catch up to me, at which I yelled at him to go away.

-He is blocked from my Facebook account, but recently made a Twitter account and attempted to follow me. My account is protected. I denied his request, but received another hours later. He also tweeted that he had been thinking about me and wanted me to get in touch, almost like he knew I would go to see what was on his profile.

I'm looking into possibly filing for a stalking protective order, but am worried that I have been too nice to win a case. I only recently (September) told him to leave me alone, and pretty much any contact prior to that ended in an awkward attempt to be friendly. That has completely bitten me in the butt, and I now feel extremely uncomfortable whenever I see him. I'm worried that this is just going to continue if I don't do something. I'm not the type of person who would consider doing this unless I felt like I had no other choice.

What should I do?

- David - 01-30-2013 03:12 PM

File a restraining order. He is stalking you. Provide the evidence and your fine.

- Shane - 01-30-2013 03:12 PM

He sounds a bit... A lot crazy. Do yourself a favor and get a restraining order.

- Jess - 01-30-2013 03:12 PM

If you have reached the point where you are yelling "Go away" and he still hasn't left you alone, it is definitely time for a restraining order. Now is also a good time to give your house (or dorm) a quick safety check. Check how brightly lit all nearby outdoor areas are at night. Make sure your phone number is unlisted. Whenever possible, walk with friends rather than alone (you can even make friends in your classes by striking up conversations with the people who head in the same direction as you). In a dorm, walk around the building and try opening all doors without using your key card, and bring safety issues straight to your RA or ARD. (You don't have to tell them you have a stalker, but you do have to follow up and make sure they fix the issues). Always lock your doors and windows. A self-defense class wouldn't hurt. Most likely he's harmless, but not everyone is. Better safe than sorry.

- PopEye - 01-30-2013 03:12 PM

this guys love for you seems to have turned into an obsession yeah you need to get a restraining order out on him before it turn into something else