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Will Libertarians and Tea Party merge to form a larger 3rd party in the coming years? - Printable Version

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Will Libertarians and Tea Party merge to form a larger 3rd party in the coming years? - BekindtoAnimals22 - 01-30-2013 05:22 PM

Basic Tea Party was not involved in social issues. They were interested in the constitution, small government, fiscal repsponsibility, free market capitalism, and low taxes.
The Tea Party had NOTHING to do with religion at its formation. It was just an element that decided to engulf itself into it. The Tea Party started with TARP and gained steam when Obamacare was being inflicted upon us. If you watched those townhall meetings, I don't know how you could have thought it had ANYTHING to do with religion. Please.

- Trumpet Warrior - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM


Tea Party is like mega religious

- Media Bias Watcher - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

Never will these two merge, their agenda's are quite different in all areas other than being fiscally responsible.

- Brian - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

LOL no.

Libertarians and the Tea Party are very, very different

- Bored - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

There need to be a 'common sense' party formed

DON'T be greedy
DON'T be corrupt
DON'T be evil
DON'T abuse innocent people
EXECUTE all rapists, child molesters, bullies, violent criminals IMMEDIATELY (100% evidence they did it)

And most importantly of all NO CORRUPTION

but that's never going to happen..........

- Me First - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

I don't think they will merge - but I do believe the Tea Party will split off from the Republican Party. I think that we'll see a huge shift to 3rd party support over the coming years. I'm headed that way.

- Cindy L.G. - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

Yes, I think they should do that. Their symbol can be the vaginal ultrasound on a cross.

- Jeff - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

No dude, the tea party loves their medicare and social security checks too much... They just don't like those other dudes across the tracks getting the same checks.

- Amateurbattle380 - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

If the guys with tears in their eyes telling me how we need Jesus to guide our way in politics do not have a say I would be all for the rest of the TEA party attributes you mentioned.

- Patrick - 01-30-2013 05:30 PM

I don't know but just thinking about it turns my stomach.