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Is the liberal idea of a free market, one that gives away free cheese? - Printable Version

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Is the liberal idea of a free market, one that gives away free cheese? - TrueConservative - 01-31-2013 04:07 AM

- john - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM


- Paul Jackson - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

What is with you people and the free cheese today?

- El Patron - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

no a well regulated market is more like it
is free market on who lets child labour slavery etc.. happen whats so free about that

- Rasputia - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

No. Free burgers and 100% beef hot dogs.
- Obamabeef


- ★Ŕ♡MΛŔƐ★ - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

Oh Barry, you're so cute. I bet you think you're clever with your never-ending false stereotypes of this mythical group called "liberals." No one thinks the things you think they think. Wink

- ? - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

cheese, oPhones, healthcare, whatever that can get their hands on.

- iris054 - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

No. We know there IS no free market. Nor should there be. What we need is a FAIR market because without that we have too many living in poverty.
As Elizabeth Warren said, the game IS rigged. Since Reaganomics the rich have seen their income go up over 270%. The destruction of labor unions has fueled an enormous pay gap between CEOs and workers. When Reagan came into power, CEOs made 25 times more than their average worker; today it’s 500 times more.

Thirty-two years of Reaganomics have resulted in the top 1% seeing their share of national income triple over the last three decades while the bottom 90% have seen their share drop by 20%. Years of lobbying and outright bribery have rigged the tax code against working Americans, forcing them to pay a higher tax rate than members of the corporate elite like Mitt Romney and Warren Buffet.

Not only that, but the higher taxes we pay don’t get reinvested to help the working class with things like better social services, education, or better infrastructure. That money is going straight to corporate treasuries in the form of bail outs to Wall Street, tax subsidies to the oil industry, and give-aways to the for-profit health cartels. For instance, the Wall Street bailout paid by you and me led to banksters getting paid more than $50 billion in bonuses just in 2009, while that same year we the taxpayers lost 25% of the value of our 401Ks. That same year the richest 400 people increased their wealth by $30 billion, giving them more wealth than the bottom 155 million Americans combined. That’s about half of America.

As DeGraw points out, had our taxpayer money been invested in job creation instead, 5 million Americans could have been put back to work earning $30,000/year each. Our unemployment rate would be about 4-5%. Instead, more than $14 trillion was quietly passed out to Wall Street and corporate America. Trillions more went to our for-profit military-industrial complex so they could profit from the never-ending “war on terror.” Not a single penny was re—invested in better education, better health care, better infrastructure, or job creation for working Americans.

Before Dubya Bush, we Americans spent 7% of our income on food and energy. Today, it’s 20%. Working Americans pay 8% of their income on health care, more than any other nation in the developed world, yet we get the worst results. The cost of housing for the middle class has gone up 34%.

Smart people will not endorse the kind of middle class destroying policies that useful idiot Republicans are pushing. Smart people are standing up and speaking out against this right now. They know that to reverse the damage that’s been done we need to roll back the Reagan tax cuts, and strengthen protections for labor unions. Taxpayer money needs to be re-invested in the community, and not given to trans=national corporations to build factories in Viet Nam and pay their CEOs billions. We’ve got it figured out.


- Elliot - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

A liberal "free market?" That's a good one.

- tangerine - 01-31-2013 04:15 AM

Here's some free cheese for you.

*Cuts a silent killer*