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Socializing behind the computer then in real life creates 2nd personality? - Printable Version

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Socializing behind the computer then in real life creates 2nd personality? - Excalibur - 01-31-2013 04:19 AM

Do you think it's getting annoying how people have a 2nd personality behind the computer ( like blogging, facebook, twitter, myspace, VIDEO GAMES ) then in real life? For example, Does this make people have 2nd personalities like behind facebook you're all super cocky then in real life you're a wimp?

- Heather - 01-31-2013 04:27 AM

it really does.

- goldwing - 01-31-2013 04:27 AM

Only some people! Those who have no life, who feel very bad about themselves, tend to be super people behind a screen...sad, isn't it? I would hate to tell anyone the only time I am alive is when I am on line...boy, what a waste of a life!
Very interesting observation, not new, but interesting and one we should all think about a bit more! Sadly, I have learned I cannot trust anyone's life by what they write on screen. GW