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Where should Govt B cutting or leaving alone, what thing and why? - Printable Version

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Where should Govt B cutting or leaving alone, what thing and why? - Kenny Bragg - 01-31-2013 05:38 AM

I think we should Keep S.S. because it keep people out of poverty. Keep up health care Because Germs have killed more people, that all the wars in history. Cuts should B, world-police, we just cant live B the sword, and get draw in others civil wars. Second the only building Govt should B involve in is Govt Building,And build those not rent. Get out of the housing markets. low income housing are drug dens, People need jobs to buy own house or private rent.

- Texas Forever - 01-31-2013 05:46 AM

The federal government should stay out of everything that the Constitution doesn't specifically allow them to do. Individual states have the right to set up a social security system, welfare system, healthcare system, etc. but the Constitution allows only a certain set of things for the federal government to handle. A military, a postal service, interstate commerce, printing money, and a few more that I can't remember off the top of my head. Everything else is forbidden. Let people handle it on the state level.

- flower - 01-31-2013 05:46 AM

I am in favor of eliminating many benefits under the Social Security umbrella except for seniors retirement which many have to live on or permanently disabled adults.