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how can I make an art blog somewhere? - Printable Version

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how can I make an art blog somewhere? - T .T Reesie - 01-31-2013 08:23 AM

Deviantart is really confusing to me, so you'll have to explain to me how to use it, or give me another site to upload drawings and stuff.

- Nomi - 01-31-2013 08:31 AM

Hi. I'm a painter and I have an art blog on It's hosted by Google and really easy to use. I am not techie at all and I have been able to do it by myself.

I get people to look by linking new posts on facebook and twitter. Also, if you visit other blogs and leave comments, those people tend to come visit you. I have made good art friends through having a blog, friends that give me great feedback about my work, and have also led to opportunities to show my work. I have been in four shows around the country just through having a blog. I wasn't even trying to make "connections" like that. Was just hoping for good people to talk about painting with. It is a good way of meeting people who respond to the kind of work you do.