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Is my friend too clingy and slightly envious? (Long question but please read it)? - Printable Version

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Is my friend too clingy and slightly envious? (Long question but please read it)? - Bree - 01-31-2013 09:07 AM

We are now in grade 9, but we have been friends since grade 7. Lets call her S. In grade 7 we were in the same classes and it was great but then in grade 8 we got split up, so I only got to see her at lunch. During grade 8 I reconnected with and old friend from grade 6 and made a new friend in that class too. We were like the three musketeers and at lunch we got together with S. Now in grade 9 we only share one class but we are always together on the same floor at the same time. At first it was nice, but now it's annoying.

She always wants to link arms with me and touch my face and play with my hair and annoying sh*t like that. If I tell her I gotta do something, she insists on coming along too. We have a mutual friend together, but she doesn't really like S. I always find myself rushing to my locker trying to avoid S because our lockers are right beside each other. If she does catch up to me I'm cursing myself in the head.

She always wants to come to my house even when I don't invite her, and I don't like people at my house for my own comfort levels. She even wanted to spend Christmas Eve with me and I was like Uhhh no you have your own family.

When we hang out at lunch with my other very close friend, she would ask questions like ohh who would be your bridesmaid or godmother, always being competitive. She has to be either in-between us or right beside me.

I made new friends this year away from her and when ever I'm with them she would either say stupid things that are not funny and try to talk to them or she would completely distract me by talking when they are talking to me. When I talk to old friends and she wants to leave she gets annoyed and keeps calling my name and yelling LETS GO, she even calls them bitch in front of their face and tells me they are annoying.

She wants to text me but I never have anything to say. She always begs me to FaceTime with her when we never talk, we basically just stare at each other. I ended up just ignoring her texts and I think she finally got the message.

I think she is a little jealous because her ex boyfriend is always on my Facebook page liking my pictures and commenting on them like 2 seconds after I post them and I do tell S. I don't tell her to rub it in, I tell her to be a good person and make sure she knows. But every time I tell her, she gets competitive and say "yeahhhhh he does it to me too all the time, it's soo annoying". But when I go to her page and look at her pictures, he never likes or comments on them. She always claims that all these people follow her on twitter, I guess to make me jealous, but when I check they don't follow her.

I feel like she has a girl crush on me, and kinda is in love with me in way? Like she kinda wants to be like me maybe?

People, idk why some of you are saying I'm a witch or I'm not a true friend, maybe because the way it's written idk, and when I said girl crush and she was in love with me, I didn't mean a lesbian, I meant she likes me as a person, I'm somebody she would want to be. I'm not a mean person, she changed not me and I don't like the new her. To be honest, she is pushing me away

- mummymonkey - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

I don't know if it's the way you've told it or what, but you sound like a bit of a witch with a b.
S just wants to be your friend and it sounds like she's insecure and ok, so you've grown apart and she doesn't realise it yet but that's no reason to be such a mean girl about her.
Just grow up and show some empathy.

- Tina - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

She could be a bisexual or a lesbian and don't know how to act around girls & likes you...

- Crazyholiday275 - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

Maybe your friend is just competitive i dont think anyone is obsessed she sounds like a nice person just misunderstood, and is insecure so acts in this way to get respect from people.

- NeNe - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

K, well i've read this, and well... it seems to me, that you were never loyal to her, sorry to sound like that, but come on, she misses you, after all, you all were friends first, and the definition of a TRUE FRIEND, is one who stays with you, no matter what she goes through, i kno, i kno, you'll..

- Dee - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

She sounds jealous and competitive to me. The fact you're popular infuriates her, so she's pretending you're her best friend and she is attempting to make herself seem more interesting than she is. Don't overthink it, just ignore it. Tell her you would appreciate her being more honest and truthful with you, than making up a story to prove herself. Tell her if she can't do either or than you can't be her friend anymore. Truthfully, she finds it mandatory to out do everyone, based on nothing but a fantasy and I would tell her to get lost too. It doesn't end in childhood either. I know your kids and it's annoying to you, but grown women act the way your friend does and it gets really bad. Maybe in the long run, you'll be doing her a favor by snapping her out of her delusional thinking now? Good luck

- yibeltal zeleke - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

u must be a good person. i think she loves u very much, but she dont want u to get
out of her sight. she wants u to feel that she is good on most issues. u have to tell her the reality that she is good and help her. Finaly if it was my case, I will stay away from her if no change.

- tehabwa - 01-31-2013 09:15 AM

Uh, then I hit this part: I think she is a little jealous because her ex boyfriend is always on my Facebook page liking my pictures and commenting on them like 2 seconds after I post them and I do tell S. I don't tell her to rub it in, I tell her to be a good person and make sure she knows.

Whoever told you that was being a good friend was lying to you BIG TIME. Why are you going out of your way to be CRUEL?

Anyway, about her being too clingy, just keep on as you have (except for the needless cruelty, which you should never have started,a nd should immediately drop).

Don't respond to all her attempts to contact you; don't accept it when she invites herself over; don't let her pull you away from other friends.

In other words, continue to back out of the relationship.

But keep in mind that people mature at different rates. It sounds like she's lagging, now.