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Need to find English Past Papers? - Printable Version

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Need to find English Past Papers? - KML6 - 01-31-2013 09:52 AM


I have a test paper in about a weeks time and I wanted to do a couple of test papers for revision, but when I try to find the test papers, I'm not sure which one I need and it is difficult to find. I have part of a past paper that I got from my teacher and am wondering if anyone knows which paper it was from, and any other past papers from the same awarding body. Any help would be appreciated:


Answer ONE question in this section.


*9 Write a contribution for your school or college website, giving your views on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.


*10 A television magazine is asking readers about ideas for future television shows.

Write your response to the magazine, giving your views on the type of shows yo think would be most successful.

Total FOR PAPER = 64 marks

I'm studying "Of Mice and Men", if it helps.

- Bob - 01-31-2013 10:00 AM

go to the web address i posted and then click pastpapers on AQA

- Emily - 01-31-2013 10:00 AM

It sounds to me like you're doing AQA as your exam board, but this is just a guess considering I did the same exam board last summer. As for what the exam actually is, this appears to be an extract from an English Language paper, in which case you don't need to worry about "Of Mice and Men" for now until you do your controlled assessment and whether you do the English Literature exam later on. For more exam papers that are similar to the one that you have here, go to the AQA website (, go into Subjects, find English in the list that comes up. From there, you should see a drop down bar that says Specification finder. Go into there and select "GCSE English Language". In Key Materials, select "Past Papers and Mark Schemes" and choose a GCSE season from those available. You need to them click on the question paper that is appropriate to you and your tier (either Higher or Foundation).
I hope this helped and good luck with your exam! Smile