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How can I start an advice blog? - Printable Version

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How can I start an advice blog? - oIiIo - 01-31-2013 01:40 PM

I really think I give good advice and would like to do it often!! How can I get am advice column type of blog started??

- C M - 01-31-2013 01:48 PM

learn to spell first

- quicentella3 - 01-31-2013 01:48 PM

*** g 10/08 p. 6 Children Online—What Parents Should Know ***
What are they? Online diaries.
What is the appeal? Blogging gives youths the opportunity to write about their thoughts, passions, and activities. Most blogs allow space for readers to leave comments, and many kids are thrilled to know that someone has responded to their writing.
What you should know. A blog is open to the public. Some youths carelessly reveal information that can be used to identify their family, school, or home address. Another factor: Blogs can harm reputations, including the blogger’s own. For instance, some employers consult an applicant’s blog when considering whether to hire that person.

Decide what kind of advice you want to offer. Think about what your own areas of expertise are and work from there. If you are a financial planner, you may want to give financial advice. If you are a psychologist, you may want to give mental health advice. If you are a nurse, you may want to give health-related advice. If you stick to what you are good at, you're more likely to produce quality content that will keep your readership coming back again and again.

Sign up with a free blog-hosting platform such as Blogger or Wordpress. There are several others out there as well. Shop around for the platform you find to be the most user-friendly, with features that best match your needs. Your advice page will be more successful if you are able to set it up professionally and have a good understanding of the platform you are working in.

"How to Start a Blog"
A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners. Read Along and Start Your Own Blog.

Choose a blog template that reflects the theme of your advice page. Keep it simple and uncluttered. Avoid sparkly templates or templates with a lot of background clutter, as this feels rather amateur. Instead, keep an eye out for uncluttered designs that relate in color or theme to your area of expertise. This will help with continuity on your advice page and make it a more memorable experience for you readers. If it feels professional, they will want to come back.

Set up your blog layout with your template. Decide what elements you want on your page. Make sure your blog title reflects the subject matter and is simple and easy to remember. Make sure your layout includes information on how to contact you with advice questions so you can post answers on your blog. You will want to include your contact information in several places on your advice page so that it is impossible to miss it.

Advertise your advice page by sending out emails to friends and family, putting up notices on social networking and bookmarking sites and writing articles about your advice page for ezines or websites. You don't have to pay money to market your site with all of the free avenues for advertising on the web.

Ask your friends if they would be willing to submit some questions to help get your advice page started. Post their questions and answers on your blog so that as new visitors come by, they might be enticed to ask questions as well.

Monetize your advice page after you have about 30 questions and answers on your site. By this time, you should have some good content and regular readers. If you use a platform such as Blogger, it would be easy to include Adsense as a stream of revenue on your advice page. You might also look at affiliate relationships through places such as Amazon or Clickbank. Whatever you choose to use in monetizing your blog, make sure the ads are relevant to your content. You want readers to be intrigued enough to click on your ads.

Maintain your advice page diligently. Add new posts several times per week and respond to the comments your guests leave. This will help you to establish a relationship with your readership to keep them coming back. If you have followed all of these steps, you will find that over time your advice page will likely become a profitable supplement to your regular monthly income as well as an enjoyable hobby.

- Jean - 01-31-2013 01:48 PM

you can creat a blog and page here

and you are welcome