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Does anyone know any Victorian Poetry please? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know any Victorian Poetry please? - Biffy Shikari - 02-01-2013 05:40 AM

On Tuesday I have to do a presentation and we're doing Victorian texts. I need to have 3/4 Victorian poems and analyse them in terms of:
-evolving attitudes
-social class
-position of women

so basically, does anyone know any Victorian poems which mention these topics in anyway please?
it's for AS level btw

- Lapiz Dominoes - 02-01-2013 05:48 AM

Type `English Poems post - Industrial Revolution...Feminist` into a web-search,
then select those closest to the themes covered in your classes..
and improve upon them if possible.
Smile Good Luck too.

- Emily - 02-01-2013 05:48 AM

Christina Rossetti commented on all these: I'd suggest looking at Goblin Market (it's a religious allegory, but aside from this the goblins are metaphorical of industry - it's demonised, Rossetti was heavily against the industrial revolution - and Laura and Lizzie play the roles of both the traditional Victorian woman and the emerging New Woman).