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Help me please???!!!? - Printable Version

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Help me please???!!!? - Rebecca - 02-01-2013 08:44 AM

Me and my friend aren't talking at the moment, and my best friend has told me my friend is ignoring everyone, but I don't know what to believe. I thought she was only pissed off at me cause she would talk to anyone else, but according to my best friend she's not, yet she has blocked me on Facebook and now twitter. I don't know what to do, or say to my friend, if she;ll listen!!!! Advice needed please!!!!

- S.Naka - 02-01-2013 08:52 AM

I think you should just give her some space? I think she's going through a tough time in where she's trying to sort out her feelings and emotions. I guess you guys might be pressuring her? Or she just needs some alone time to cool down. I'm sure if you wait awhile she'll talk to you eventually when she's more rational and more logical about the situation. Don't worry, I think she's just angry at the world.

- Natasha - 02-01-2013 08:52 AM

give her some space... hopefully she will come around. maybe something has happened in her life and she needs some space. cheer up Smile

- Maude - 02-01-2013 08:52 AM

just give her space and show her that her bitching isn't getting you mad, and that you could care less. Branch out and meet some new people and find more friends and just be super friendly to everyone and show her what an awesome she is missing out on.

- Leon - 02-01-2013 08:52 AM

just leave her alone give her some space and she will be back later

- Hello - 02-01-2013 08:52 AM

If it were my friend and she was "ignoring everyone," I would be concerned for her. Just make sure she's okay. Okay?

She will either be your friend again, or she won't. Make sure she is okay and safe and that she's taking care of herself. Do that, make sure she knows that you care for her, take a deep breath and wait.

- tankdroid0620 - 02-01-2013 08:52 AM

What everyone said about giving her space is right, but you also need to sit and talk.... if she truly is mad at you then space is the way to go, but if she is shutting out everyone then that is an issue. Not to try and scare you or put thoughts in your head that could be false, but that is a sign of depression and a possible thought of suicide. I would rather say this and be wrong then to not and have been right, so try to calmly approach her and talk to her about why she is acting that way, be an ear and a friend and just do what you can to help. If she is just mad at you, try to figure it out if you can but also provide her with space.