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I feel alone and I'm only 13? :(? - Printable Version

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I feel alone and I'm only 13? :(? - Owlsinacity - 02-01-2013 09:58 AM

So I just feel alone in life right now. I feel like nobody really has a genuine interest in me, and I'm just not really special to anyone. I'll start with that I'm 13 years old, in the 8th grade, and am home-schooled. I really do enjoy the fact that I am home-schooled, and that I get to work at my own pace, with my preferred textbooks and schedule. But it's also the main reason I'm so alone. Pretty much every kid my age has tons of friends, and its because they get to go to normal school. I know school is a drag, but they have an advantage over me because they have friends. When you go to school, you make friends, its inevitable. You are around people all day, and you make friends and reputation. I'm homeschooled, so I don't have this. I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, take a shower, and then get to work on my school. I'm by myself on my desk, working till late afternoon. I didn't get to meet a single person or do anything. So that's the main reason why I have no friends, is because during week-days I don't even have a chance to make any. I'm helpless in this area, because my parents are going to home-school me till college, so I will never get to go to regular school. They swear on their lives they will NEVER stop home-schooling me over anything. They are firm. I've tried bringing it up, and they scream at me, and then ground me and leave it at that. So all of the chances of getting friends at school are gone.

The other reason is I live in a small town of like 16,000 people. There isn't a lot of events that happen, or clubs outside of regular school I could join. Even if there was, my parents are really over-protective and they wouldn't let me just sign up without thurough back-ground checks on the group.

Now I'll just be totally honest. My parents are just lazy. They don't want to commit to taking me to a group meet or club every week, so they just don't let me join any. They don't like busy schedules, and aren't spontaneous at all, and they are just lazy. This doesn't help my cause at all either.

So enough ramblings. Sad What can I do? I'm lonely without any friends, and I feel stuck because of the things I just explained.

PS: Parents won't let me go on social networking sites either, so another lost chance (no twitter, facebook, myspace, or any online forums)...
Also I live in a snowy winter side of the country. We are currently getting hit by a winter storm, and the roads are icy. So travel is tough too.

- N - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

Your 13, still a child, you have plenty of time to make friends.

- haolam71 - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

To adapt to friends, you have to adapt to their asshole ness. Life ain't a storyline.

- sham - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

I think you should learn to deal with it for now, you could join a high IQ group called Mensa (as they are strict, they might agree) just a few years till college! Just focus on staying positive for now!

- Tim - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

16,000 people is not a small town. Your parents aren't doing a good job of schooling you. You should start acting like you believe in aliens and your imaginary friend Eric told you that they are nice aliens. After you do this for a week or two, your parents should realize that you need to get out more and make some real friends.

- Sophie - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

First of all, you can always talk to me! A link to message me is on my profile. If they won't let you go out to friend's houses, invite friends over to yours. When I'm bored I go on Tumblr (it's a really popular blog-type thing) and post things and talk to other people there. Talk to your parents about how you feel, because being isolated really isn't healthy. Good luck!

- Tim Toy - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

Listen kid, I know your lonely and it sucks, but your parents are doing the best thing for you. Trust me. You have your whole life ahead of you to socialize and have friends. Why can't you hop on your bike and ride to the nearest park? That's what I did and there was always other kids my age playing baseball, football, etc.

- shealynn - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

That sounds like it really sucks! Sorry! Doyou go to high school eventually? Do you have neighbors? It is unhealthy to grow up without friends, you won't have social skills when you go out into the world alone. You should let your parents know this, and start an activity like a club or sport or something, or look into public school... I like public school a lot, yes there are mean kids and drama and friend problems but I would rather have that than no friends at all. Joining a sport allows you to have friends and not need the drama! If you don't think you are good at sports, you can always do rec sports like rec soccer, most people arnt very good on those teams like me!!! Also, I met friends once at a summer camp and we still chat everynow and then

- Hannah - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

Maybe for a few years it's going to be like that, but when you get to college, make the most of every moment, socialize. It's pretty bad that they expect you to live like this to be honest.

- Hockeyfan - 02-01-2013 10:06 AM

hi, i'm 13 too, i guess it's sucks for u, but you can still have an e-mail, right? tell yr parents everything u said here and tell them u want to be like any other person your age, maybe they will understand. or you can make friends in yr town, there r kids yr age, right? you can try volunteering somewhere. if you just want to talk to someone, you can e-mail me at