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Why can't I be pretty like everyone else? - Printable Version

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Why can't I be pretty like everyone else? - ashley - 02-01-2013 12:41 PM

Every girl i see is pretty and it's not fair. My family and my friends tell me i'm pretty, Because they are suppose to. Just to not hurt my feelings. I Go to school everyday and feel like i'm nothing because It's ridiculous that people hang around someone just because they're pretty. It's like picking your cereals based on color instead of taste. And i go on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and i see all these girls that i wished i could look like but i can't. And it makes me so Insecure. And this is what these girls look like.


I Could go on but it only makes me feel bad. I Mean why where they born to be pretty and i'm just like this:







I Wake up HATING myself everyday. I Also hate my body. I'm 13 i weigh 103 and i'm 5'6.
some people my age weigh less and it's not fair AGAIN.
sometimes i try to starve myself, it works sometimes and then it doesn't because my parents force me to eat. i quit drinking soda and eating sweets and tried to workout. But i guess nothing goes right for me. it's just not fair.

It's not fair. that Pretty girls have it better that everyone
1.talks to them
2. hangs out with them
3. and all the boys love them.

I Hate it..
And i Hate that some people are prettier than other people.
Pictures of me since the links up there won't work.



- Et tu, Brute? - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

Can't view your links, but I'm sure you're not bad looking... Stay positive.

- Josh - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

Trust me you are pretty and im not you friend or family so you can believe it and im 16 if it means anything.You gotta quit being so judgmental of yourself or you will never be happy.

- Knox - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

You are 13...Kids these days...

They are not that pretty, if that makes you comfortable.

- Bacchus - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

You are definetely not ugly. Just because you don't look like Barbie(blond-white-blue-eyed) doesn't mean you are ugly.

- Blue Kool-Aid - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

Why are you so concerned about comparing yourself to others and caring about what others say about you? You won't get anywhere in life that way.

- ɐʇıloႨ™✌ - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

You're not ugly plus you're only 13.

- fix - 02-01-2013 12:49 PM

First of all you are pretty. Second, I think you are the most ungrateful person on earth, and I hate this kind of person. Seriously you're telling me you're biggest problem is not being beutiful. How pathetic was that. There are people how would struggle just to have a single meal per day and there were those who lives in such a war torn countries like Palestine or Africa where there is just no hope to have a better life and life gets worse each and every day. And I'm pretty sure there are millions and millions of people in the world who would do anything to trade in place with you. Or should I said to trade places with someone who have 20 times uglier face then you as long as they have hope. And now you're telling me you're biggest emotional problem is being ugly, oh grow up allready. I'm sorry for being mean. But I know people like you. People like you if they we're to receive sympathetic comments from other they wouldnt changed and they become more vulnerable because actually whether you want to admit or not, you love the attention of being vulnerable. You like people to be sympathetic of you. Rather then joining those people, I'm going to be different and give you some reality checks and a smack down on your brain. Seriously, move on.