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Should I add this guy on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I add this guy on Facebook? - SO MANY QUESTIONS! - 02-01-2013 01:38 PM

Here's the story...

I have another Yahoo! Answer account (besides this one)... But I'm not going to explain why I have two accounts. It's irrelevant hahaha Wink

Anyways, I talked to a guy with Asperger's who is depressed because he has trouble making friends and communicating, because of his disability. I, of course, do not know this guy in any way.

I told him that he could email me if he ever needed more help; I always give people the option of emailing me for further help. This guy DID email me, but asked if I could add him on Facebook, since he rarely checks his email.

Should I add him? I feel bad saying no...because he just wants someone to talk to!

What should I do??
The thing is, my mom, who literally stalks me on Facebook, would say, "Who is this guy??" and probably get mad at me. Also, I don't mind messaging him on Facebook, if that's the way he chooses to communicate...But, couldn't I prevent him from seeing my statuses and stuff? I'm not creeped out by him or anything...It's just that...I don't know him!

- M - 02-01-2013 01:46 PM

I wouldn't, because if he's not really who he says he is, or even if he is, by adding him on Facebook, he could pretty much learn a lot about you, including where you live, and that could be dangerous. I wouldn't advise it, but it's up to you.

- Node - 02-01-2013 01:46 PM

As a general rule of thumb, I only add people who I know personally. He could be genuine, but then again, he could have more malicious intentions (such as Social Engineering). I'd say stick to e-mailing him until YOU feel comfortable adding him on any other medium. Don't feel guilty about your actions, as you've already done something most people wouldn't do, by giving him the option to e-mail you.

- Siddharth Dua - 02-01-2013 01:46 PM

This could be some guy just trying to flirt with you or probably trying to find some information about you. You should NEVER add a person on any social networking website whom you do not know- in fact you should not even exchange emails with this person- you DO NOT know his identity. This could get you in serious trouble- it could lead to cyber bullying, cyber stalking or worse, this guy is planning to attack you physically in some way. Do you know that there have been many cases where people contact unknown people and the victim dies (commonly through murder or rape) ?

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