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How do I get a following for my writing? - Printable Version

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How do I get a following for my writing? - LeeLee22 - 02-01-2013 09:16 PM

I was told to be taken seriously as a writer I need to have a following of at least 1000 people before I submit any work to a publisher. How do I get a following like that? I have a blog, I have a page on facebook, I have a website & I read poetry in coffee houses (although what I'm trying to get published is fiction & non fiction books). How do I get more people to follow me & how do I keep track?

- Reya - 02-01-2013 09:24 PM

Hey, it sounds like you're doing everything very well. But keep an open mind to the following:

A crucial part of "getting a following" is understanding sales. Yes, like business. Note: New York Times Best SELLER. A lot of this is about knowing who's important to talk to, what kind of opportunities there are to market yourself, and your (surely), amazing writing.

A course in sales might be highly beneficial for you in the long-run.

Also, really reflect on your writing. Obviously writers write things that need to be told. But also be aware of your *audience.* An extreme example would be writing sexist poetry at a Women's Forum. Message? Try to have writing that is accessible to all ages, groups, etc. Themes that we can all relate.

Good luck!

- miese_99 - 02-01-2013 09:24 PM

A common mistake many writers make to gain a wide following is to try to please everyone. By doing so, you lose credibility and make you a rather forgettable writer. Write what you know and feel strongly about. People should follow you.

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