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I'm a teenager and i'm not addicted to things...? - Printable Version

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I'm a teenager and i'm not addicted to things...? - Avengeline - 02-02-2013 01:42 AM

Hey, I'm 14 years old and I'm not addicted to something, I feel left behind a lot, I don't really get up to date like watching smosh, dan and phill, and so on, I know Adventure Time but I don't watch it much. I don't get addicted over Animes and Kpop, I don't know, is there something wrong with me?
All I do is imagine my world, stay in my room, and I socialize through face book, and I do animations of my own.
and also I don't have twitter, tumblr, or any others, I need to have suggestion, I don't know I feel like something is wrong, I might create a youtube account and show my animations, what do you guys think?
I know those things because my friend talk to me about them, i don't bother much to watch them but i feel left behind, a lot. I talk to my friends, share great ideas, do random jokes from my mind.
I will try watching series xD

- chec13 - 02-02-2013 01:50 AM

Yes, it seems there most definitely is something wrong with you.

- Rebecca - 02-02-2013 01:50 AM

There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Being addicted to something is not necessarily a good thing. I do think what you're asking about is having a passion for something. I didn't have one until I was 18! All I can tell you is chill out and let life take you as it will. You'll find something to "obsess" about soon enough. It's hard enough just being a teenager after all.

The youtube thing is a good idea, and again, don't worry about not being on social sites like twitter etc. I've joined countless of them and never visited again. I don't even remember my passwords for some of them! Some of my friends aren't even on the common ones like facebook and have never felt the urge. You're not abnormal or anything. You're just different Smile

- Ausy Iby - 02-02-2013 01:50 AM

Maybe you should try some heroin if your bored. First one's free!

- Kadambari Agarwal - 02-02-2013 01:50 AM

Being addicted to something is not always good.
You sound like a cool person but if this really bothers you,
I can suggest some things.
Try watching Sherlock. Awesome series. Season 3 will be released in March.
Or try reading Harry Potter or if you like sappy romance then Twilight (it's supposed to be good though I don't like it).
You can try watching Friends (awesome!! Will get you addicted for sure).
But remember there's nothing wrong with not being addicted to stuff Smile

- Shoes - 02-02-2013 01:50 AM

WTF is smosh, dan and phil? what is adventure time, kpop?

you say you don't have twitter, tumblr or any others... (what others?) then you say you socialize through face book. So you are no different to any other teen really are you?