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Are you happy with your life? - Printable Version

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Are you happy with your life? - Jess - 02-02-2013 03:59 AM

When i look at celebs it makes me feel dissatisfied with my life,they travel the world,meet other celebs,have the best clothes and cars and everyone loves em. Im getting sick of my boring average life. When i put things up on fb like pics i get like 2 likes Nothing great ever happens to me im not depressed just idk.

- NotImportant - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

No but I plan on fixing that

- nirobdipu - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

I'm trying to be happy.

- Justin - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

i'm happy the way i am i also think its way better than not being a celeb cause sometime their friends are only friends with them because they hvae money fame

- Dv8s - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

Even celebs get bored with their superficial lives and long for simpler times, like having an average life. What you have to do is be thankful for what you do have, because there are plenty of people that don't have. Be grateful and life will be more meaningful.

- insloanwetrust - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

Content, Never compare yourself with others. People will always have more and less than you. It's when we believe we are entitled to having more we feel unhappy. This is an illusion and once you realise this you will find contentment. It's all about being realistic and lowering expectation. You become what you think. Peace.

- stuck in a rut - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

no i fahking hate my life!

- Tetsu Inoue - 02-02-2013 04:07 AM

A lot of the reason that you yearn for this lifestyle is because it is glorified by the media, television, etc.

In fact, this is often the goal of TV advertisements. They want you to be awestricken and fascinated with the celebrity lifestyle so that you will buy celebrity magazines, watch reality shows based on their lives, follow them on Twitter and look at advertisements, etc etc. So you are falling hook, line and sinker for marketing.

People always want what they don't have. You want fame, riches and popularity. Many of the celebrities that already have these things, probably desire peace, tranquility, privacy, and solitude. Think Paparazzis.

There was a time in my life when I thought the same things as you have. Now I realize there's nothing I'd want less than to have a camera shoved in my face, or a thousand cameras flashing at me as I stand on a red carpet with some suit, knowing that my tastes in fashion are being mercilessly judged by OMG Yahoo and other celebrity journalism outlets.

As someone else stated, there are always going to be people on either extreme of you, with either more or less, and you just have to learn to be content with where you are.

A glass "half full" person would look at those who have it worse, and feel grateful for what they have.

A glass "half empty" person would look at those who have more, and feel grief for not having it too.