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How to put a picture on twitter? - Printable Version

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How to put a picture on twitter? - joshtheG - 10-12-2012 01:52 AM

I recently got a twitter account and I would like to put a picture with my profile. Ive tried to upload dozens of pictures and it keeps saying there was a problem. It also says the picture might be too big but they all have been under the limit, 700k. Ive also tried it on 2 different computers. Any suggestions?

- john - 10-12-2012 02:00 AM

you must only upload a picture which is below 700KB or equivalent. You must check first if your picture is on the required size. Twitter could not accept big pictures or large size pictures. If the picture you are going to upload on Twitter is above the required size, resize it using Microsoft Picture Manager.

If you already resized ther picture to a 700KB file size or lower, and still the problem exists, try uploading it without using any applications or surfing the net while uploading..

- inhisgracecards - 10-12-2012 02:00 AM

Steps I took to find an answer for your question.

I asked my graphic artist bride what to do.

She mentioned words like
And such.

Now I know why I'm not the graphic artist. However, I have personally used MS Paint to successfully create pictures that Twitter would like. MS Paint is a free app that comes with most PC's not sure about MAC's. There are other free programs too, but that is the one I use.

I asked Twitter and this is the response I got from them.
Not sure if that helps to bring light on your frustration, but it might.

I asked myself. Yup, that's right - smirk.

In myself's "out-of-the-box" way I answered by telling myself about TwitWall. It's cool. You can add graphics, videos, articles and pretty much anything you want that is more than 140 characters. Here's my own personal TwitWall.

Okay, okay - so perhaps that isn't the exact answer to your question, but it is close and related. Consider it a bonus.

If none of the above help submit a support ticket with Twitter on this page.

If you are still at a loss after all that I'll send you a sledge hammer. I hear that gets the job done very well... LOL

The Body By Chocolate Man