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Does this Woman Like Me?? I don't really know please answer!? - Printable Version

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Does this Woman Like Me?? I don't really know please answer!? - The 10th Doctor - 10-12-2012 02:01 AM

Okay so I was talking to this girl on twitter who i've kind of stricken a friendship with well she's a bbw cam model (don't judge) and well i was telling her that I was sort of giving up hope on finding a nice beautiful big girl for me. and she replied with this "In camming, we acknowledge that there is an audience out there for EVERY girl...The same goes for all people in real life" so was she trying to tell me not to give up hope?? I mean someone told me that she might have liked me so yeah i just find it odd the way she phrased the answer she could have just said never give up hope or there is someone for you but she chose to say that. i mean i showed her a pic of myself and she said there was nothing wrong with me. like i said i was feeling insecure but yeah i don't know. fyi i'm not asking her out nor am i looking for a relationship nor have i said anything to her to the extent of i like her. I just have talked to her and we've only known each other 2 days. P.S. no rude comments or sexual comments only serious answers please thank you. oh and one more thing one person said she talks to many guy's on a reular basis actually she doesn't most guy's she talks to ask her or talk to her about work or sexual stuff i never have i've always talked to her as a normal person. =) which is what she is regardless of her career path.

- Rahul Parihar - 10-12-2012 02:09 AM

there is 2 type of love 1st lust full love and 2nd is pure love in this world there is only lust full love there is no pure love pure love is only possible with Supreme Lord Krishna and if u said that in this world pure love is possible then show me ur pure love on that time when u will become old and lose ur lust or sex power when u will can,t do sex then u will lost ur love and if u still think that there is pure love possible then when u will forced by nature to die on that time tell me why u can,t live with ur pure love for ever tell me on that time where is ur pure love gone.
In this world teenager girl and boys said i will die if i will not get my pure love but still they can,t be happy with it that is fact. i don,t care what u think but that is fact that in this world people even husband and wife love each other for lustfull love. what ever sex power u have now if u have so much sex power or so less sex power in all condition 1 day u will become old on that time in all conditions u will lose ur sex or lust power. on that time when u will not able to do sex tell me where is ur love gone. lustfull love gives always pain.
ur attracted by some 1 that don,t means that is pure love that is lustfull love. and soon ur attraction will be finished. and soon u will like another person tell me on that time where is ur love gone. then what u will say more.that is fact. if u accept or not but u can,t change it.
i don,t care if any 1 like my answer or not but its truth and it hurts only those who are idiot , dumb and 3rd class people. they can,t understand it cuz this answer is belong to 1st class people,s of this whole earth.

- Ask - 10-12-2012 02:09 AM

Whaaaaatt???The most intelligent man on the face of the earth,Mr.SHERLOCK HOLMES unable to figure out a girl????????......jeeeeeeezzz...Girls ARE difficult to understand!!

- Keri - 10-12-2012 02:09 AM

Well it seems like maybe she was just giving you boost of confidence. That statement implied that you should not give up and someone good will come your way.

- Stephanie - 10-12-2012 02:09 AM

Sherlock Holmes...due to her career choice its hard to say. She very much may like you. All you can do is continue to communicate with her. You can also come out and ask her. If the friendship is more important at this point just keep it on that level. If the two of you are meant for each other you will find your way to each others heart. I wish you the best and much happiness!