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Why is every generation more self-absorbed and materialistic than the last? - Printable Version

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Why is every generation more self-absorbed and materialistic than the last? - merry go round - 02-02-2013 07:52 PM

Facebook? Twitter? Hipsters? Fashionable nonconformity? Tumblr? Every single i-Phone/i-Pad/Mac as soon as it comes out? Emo? Fashionable depression? American Idol? Really?

F*cking hell, why?
C'mon, I'm 14 -- this is my generation and even I know what's going on.

- dude - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

In wanting to give our children a better life than we had, we spoiled them. Now they think they deserve everything and everyone else should go screw themselves.

- Vicky - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

Because technology has made it possible and the FAMILY is no longer the glue holding society together. COMMUNITY is dead. It's everyone for themselves. Selfishness and atheistic/agnostic thinking prevail. Churches are emptying while nightclubs where ppl can't hear each other to have a conversation are full. Sex, something u don't even have to be human to do, is the only sort of 'social contact' people real pursue.

- the DT - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

I think it might be because each generation wanted to give their offspring what they never had or better than what they had and it has resulted in a feeling of more and more entitlement by each subsequent generation. Also, we have more and more "experts" saying that this is right and that is wrong or harmful and we lose sight of just the basics of manners, integrity, honor, respect, and what is truly important in life..... and it's NOT the next latest and greatest trend.

- CharChar - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

We learned from your generation.

What exactly would you like us to do anyway? And how much do you know about the things you bash anyway? Please give me your example of a good generation.

Let me guess, we're all farmers again wearing the same outfits, right?

American society - this includes YOUR generation-- has always been about reaching the top, being the best. And through that there are people who get left behind.Those people have risen up and made their own tower, which is where Hipsters and Emo and Noncomformity came from.
iEverything is just gay imo, but people have the right to buy what they want. Technology is a gift.
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr -- whats your problem with social media? It connects people to others, allows people to share their own thoughts and opinions in a world where no one wants to hear from the average Joe.

Mind your business.

- Der Schlachter - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

this world is going to hell

- husain kantawala - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

Its because every generation is different from previous generation. There was time when people used to do stage plays then television was invented so people started making television shows and then internet came so people started surfing on net... this chain will be never ending.
And people hanging on facebook and twiter is just because stress level in life and busyness is increasing and so sharing became important thing and everytime friends and family is not available.....Thats why

- toosh - 02-02-2013 08:00 PM

people always want more and in the western world we are encouraged to go for it all