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How can i test a guy to see if he really cares? - Printable Version

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How can i test a guy to see if he really cares? - Jessie - 02-02-2013 10:09 PM

Specific tests. Preferably through texting

- OneLove - 02-02-2013 10:17 PM

Don't. That's one of the biggest mistakes women make regarding men. Playing mind games. Men don't like that, at all.

- A Guy - 02-02-2013 10:17 PM

Don't text him back for a while and see what he does. This girl is doing this to me at the exact moment not quiet sure what she is trying to achieve though. That's true I'm not going to text back and it really won't change my feelings towards her so yep.

- Emily - 02-02-2013 10:17 PM

You don't. You simply trust that he does care until and unless he gives you reason to believe otherwise. When you start testing guys, you prove that you don't trust him, and you'll drive him away. Just don't go there.

- Jmal - 02-02-2013 10:17 PM

If he doesn't respond then keep asking
Keep beating at it like no tomorrow
Trust me, he'll LOVE it
By doing this, he will know that you care
And when he knows this,
The only other option he'll have is to care for you back
Trust me with this one,
Guys LOVE it when girls keep asking them the SAME question over and over
As a matter of a fact
Text him EVERYTHING you're feeling
Treat each text sent to him as if you were posting something on Facebook or Twitter..
But just to his Text Message Inbox
The 50/60 unread texts will show him how much you care for him
Tell him about everything about anything going on in your life
He will LOVE it!
He'll even learn more about you and that's what every guy wants, right?
Whoever said guys just want to get in your pants is an idiot! NOT TRUE! Wink
Guys are curious about your ENTIRE life
And don't you worry
By following my advice he will love you for sure!
Each minute of everyday you worry about whether he's gotten your text
Or why he's not texting me back will only strengthen your bond with him EVEN MORE
Each empty text from him only means he cares!
Trust me, he'll appreiciate the fact that you take time out of your own life to text him Smile
You'll go far with ANY guy with my advice
Best Answer Please!!