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Creative ways to get these people to follow me on twitter? - Printable Version

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Creative ways to get these people to follow me on twitter? - Rachel - 10-12-2012 02:11 AM

I really want Justin Bieber and Devon Bostick to follow me on Twitter, but I really stink at coming up with creative things to say to catch their attention and stand out from their other fans. Everything I think of is sooo lame! Ha. How do I come up with things to say to get them to follow me?

- Stacie - 10-12-2012 02:19 AM

Make a viral video on youtube with something really creative. Sing, dance, cook, whatever you're good at haha. Separate yourself from the flock. :-)

- ihavenoname. - 10-12-2012 02:19 AM

I see most girls send Justin Bieber, Chuck Norris jokes, I've tried numerous times but he doesn't follow me. It doesn't bother me though. You don't want to spam them either like:
"@justinbieber FOLLOW ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU! 1"
"@justinbieber FOLLOW ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU! 2"
"@justinbieber FOLLOW ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU! 3"
etc, etc. Haha. And don't guilt trip him all like "@justinbieber will never follow me, i hate my life" blah blah.
Just send a nice @reply, you never know, he might reply. He always creeps. ;D