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What is the difference between a business account and a personal account on Facebook? - Printable Version

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What is the difference between a business account and a personal account on Facebook? - Andrew - 02-02-2013 11:36 PM

A couple of years ago I made a Facebook account for my business. I selected an option for it to be a business account (as opposed to personal), however, (and yes, it has taken me until now to ask this!) it is absolutely no different whatsoever to my personal account, except for the name of it!
In the account details section, it even has the options to include family members and relationships (as if a Business has them...) so it really doesn't make much sense. One of my questions is: why is this?
It works perfectly and has helped my business but this has just bugged me a bit. My second question is: Do you think I should turn it into a 'page' that can be liked rather than the 'normal' account it is at the moment which people need to request to be friends with?

Hope all this makes sense!

- Leroy - 02-02-2013 11:44 PM

Yeah a page would be better...

There's no difference, jut another way to lure more people into facebook.. its like growing the target market, back then they decided to expand it to grown ups and business managers etc etc.. a few months or a year ago they grew it even more and now people have facebook for their children..
I personally think it is the single most dumbest act humanity has done this decade, so far.

How can you put all your life onto the web, for strangers to see, to know you, without you even knowing they know you.. if you get me..
Also, it's a dream for the government and CIA (im no paranid conspiracy nut, but enough logic and sense to realise it can be very well used for it, and there are many great examples where it has been used like that)

It's bullshiit in my opinion, why are people so willing to write everything about their life, so that some sad fat kid can stalk you so easily if they want.. Believe it or not, there are some pictures of teenagers photo with their credit card number on it.. WTFF!!?