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do you think she likes me? - Printable Version

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do you think she likes me? - kpfjpavpijepifpewrfpjp - 02-03-2013 12:28 AM

ok theres this girl that i know in 2 of my classes were both freshmen both 14. i met her when we were in a lab for our science class one day. at first i was very shy and would barely talk and whenever i would talk or make a joke she would smile. and that day she told me i had pretty eyes and all the girls in the group were like oh yeah i see it but i kinda disregarded it because i have alot of people tell me that for some reason. anyways, now ive known her for 3 months and i have another class with her and i sit right next to her. i would allways flirt and make her laugh like crazy and she used to tease me like hit me lightly and stuff and i would laugh it off. also whenever i use to pass her by in the hallways she would be like really excited to see me and no matter what would acknowledge me. and one day my friend asked her if she liked me and she said stop............ like really long and dragged on. and another day she was going to her car and she saw me with my friend and she said bye...... like really cute and smiling. but you may be thinking "are you stupid she likes you", well theres another side to this story. ever since i told my friend i liked her the one that asked her if she liked me. things have been diffrent i barely see her now. like in class we can now sit where we want. and she sits next to her friends and i sit next to mine and i would rather stay far away as possible from my friends and with her because they allways flirt with her. like one second ill say something funny outloud and she'l say like wow you would really ask that like teasing me and smiling and i would crack a joke and she would laugh and i guess the nickname she gave me is "bestfriend" like i knew the girl for a week and she would allways call me best friend instead of my regular name. so when ever she calls me that i would say it back to her and out of nowhere my friend is not even in this he says "hey ______ are we best friends?" and she'l respon yes laughing and smiling. and oh my god that makes me so angry that he would just cut me off like that. and after she turns around he turns to me and says dude she has a nice butt. and this dosent just happen once it happens every time. now that we have been on break for 2 weeks things are diffrent. i barely see her anymore we barely talk and i dont have any other way to get in touch with her. my friend one day told me "you know what i think, i think that you like her and she likes you" and he has been bugging me to just ask her out for atleast the majority of the 2 weeks weve been off and said "atleast get her phone number" but i dont even have her added on facebook,instagram,twitter. anyways since i havent talked to her in weeks and i dont even get the chance to talk to her without someone being in the wayi think she might just get bored of me. that brings me back to another question. shes a really popular girl she was a chearleader now she isnt she hangs out with people older then her and in higher grades. she talks with dude older then her and flirts with so many guys even when she sees me and to be honest im not the most popular guy im doing OK. but this has got to be the biggest porblem SHE FLIRTS WITH SO MANY OTHER GUYS i mean if she flirts with guys like ive seen and she flirts like she flirts with me then she might just either be a friendly person or using me or something. i mean she flirts like she flirts with me and WITH ALOT OF OTHER GUYS, shes more popular then me, more social, i dont have any outside contact with her. and after i look at all those things i just feel like if she does all this why would she like me? please im begging be as honest as possible and be as harsh as you want im so desperate at this point.

- AuntKatie - 02-03-2013 12:36 AM

I think she probably does like you. give it time. There are a few signs you can look for to figure out if she likes you. If she pays attention to you, likes to be around you, is polite and respectful, seems to watch you when she thinks you are not looking, listens to what you have to say and is interested in it, tries to find reasons to talk to you and to be around you even when she doesn't need to be around you, does not expect anything from you in terms of favors, makes frequent eye contact with you, her face lights up when she sees you, puts you first all the time even ahead of herself, then most likely she likes you as more than a friend.