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My Parents never understand/listen.. HELP? - Printable Version

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My Parents never understand/listen.. HELP? - Yasmin - 02-03-2013 12:41 AM

Basically, i posted this a few months ago, and people told me just to stay calm and talk to them. Ive done that and they still wont listen. Lately all they ever do is pick on little things, they even stalk my facebook and twitter and im 16! and i have to be in at 6.30. Anyway, on saturday i went out with my boyfriend, and instead of bracing the cold UK weather, we went to his and chilled watching the rugby all day. I dont tell my parents i go to his, as the last time I did they were really mad. Ive been with my boyfriend for 10 months now, and they still dont let me out with him all day and things like that. My mum has met him and yet they still think they want us to break up. Anyway, last night they bascially told me to break up with him, and i was heart broken. Now i dont know what to, i love my boyfriend more than anything. Plus, his "friends" love to bully me. And when i mean bully they tell me to kill myself and that im ugly as roadkill, and i wish i had someone to talk to about all this. But because my parents are so.. strict? I feel like i cant! HELP! thankyou
he doesnt let them bully me, they havent been friends in months. Im not stupid, ive deleted my twitter and everything but they still do it. hes not an idiot.

- Archer - 02-03-2013 12:49 AM

So your boyfriend allows his friends to bully you and you can not figure out why your parents want you to brake up with him? What are you mentally deficient in some way?
Stop and think, If one actually looks forward to being with some one who allows others to bully then one must feel that they are deserving.
You need to see a shrink! Your a walking victim and will be for the rest of your life.

- Alisha - 02-03-2013 12:49 AM

hey u are only 16 u must not have boyfriends ... and how can u say u dnt understand ur parents, u dont understand the one who were with u on a long journey of16 . live him ........ do u love him more den the 1 who gave a good life who taught u wat is g.f and b.f ????? shame on u

- Eva - 02-03-2013 12:49 AM

In this case, you shouldn't listen to your parents. I had the same problem(and I still do), I got really depressed when my mom told me that she doesn't want to hear about my boyfriend, she even didn't want to meet him. However, I stopped paying attention to what she was saying. This is YOUR life and the best thing your parents can to is to give you an advice, but the decisions are only yours. You are not a kid any more and they have to understand this, but if they don't want to listen, then don't bother talk to them about it. Be happy with your guy, enjoy your relationship, and I know it sounds wrong, but sometimes parents can be over-protective. If you are sure that your boyfriend is a nice guy and that he loves you - be with him no matter what. Smile

- Pranav s - 02-03-2013 12:49 AM

Talk these problems to any one whom you trust the most and think would listen to you some times just sharing the problems with some one makes the heart lighter. it could be anyone whom you trust and feel will listen to you at anytime. some one close to you.