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Do you love the commercial of Chevrolet Aveo? - Printable Version

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Do you love the commercial of Chevrolet Aveo? - alialaaâ„¢ - 02-03-2013 02:43 AM

I aveo too mmmmmmm.
but later I discovered that many people love it and I also found a group on facebook about this commercial and it have about 40,000 member.
is there any reason to love this commercial?

- Chickita - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

Honestly its nice , the girl is really cute and i like the costumes .. but too much of the commerical makes me bored ! it is shown like 7 times in a show !! pfffffft

- Aldonbonn - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

The girl was very cute

a friend at work got that car.....we all aveoed him lol he heard it like 20 billion time!

- ツ Zaghloo ツ - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

I actually think its sooo annoying lol, especially coz my husband keeps saying I aveo. Its just NOT funny.

I cant believe that there is a group just for the advert thoi now thats funny. I understand why people like it tho i guess they think its cute and a lot of people like the girl in it, I think thats the case with my husband too haha

- Schö the 3rd - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

The Girl is cute...

- hope - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

40,000 members, dear GOD, this must be really some cute girl in the ad.... i honestly can't remember her cos i don't watch TV much!!

Well if u can't beat them join them...... "I aveo too Egypt section"

LOL (sorry Ali, had to joke!!)

- smallowl215 - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

Yea I do. They all look friendly and approachable yet very pretty.. even the dorky looking guy.. something about him! lol..

The idea is okay and the colors are great! Yea it gets annoying but heay! still good! Plus most car commercials end up being this car speeding on hillside roads and stuff.. but this one actually had a story.. def. not cliche..

- pissoffmyass - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

i fall in love with that girl: I AVEO YOU
Opps : I HATE YOU!!!

- Lovely Diamond - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

Honestly, I don't like it, but with 40,000 lovers, I guess the marketing manager got a raise!

- screechingswing583 - 02-03-2013 02:51 AM

I av it Big Grin
the girl is so very cute and delicate & the guy is so funny. His big grin makes my day and hanking the horn at the end is just so childishly cute Big Grin
yea i love it