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Is it worrying that a 13 year old girl has matches in her room and draws naked people? - Printable Version

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Is it worrying that a 13 year old girl has matches in her room and draws naked people? - Penny - 02-03-2013 05:39 AM

She's 13, she is a goth. I am worried because I recently found out that she has matches in her room through my younger daughter but she wont admit it. She burns them in her room, I don't know what to do! Also I think she is bisexual and she has nude drawings of women's' bodies in her sketchpad, Problem? also she posted a picture of these on twitter and said she was drunk, she doesn't go out alone and she has no alcohol in her room, lying? she spend all day basically in her room and it is worrying what she is doing in there.she also is swearing on twitter, what to do?
I don't think she actually gets drunk because we never smell or see anything and it is currently the school holidays and doesn't see her friends much and she can't go out alone. there aren't any empty alcohol bottles or anything in her room. maybe she is trying to sound cool online?
she goes to an all girls private school and the only boys she is friends with are those on her coach home from school who never come over and she can't go out alone

- Kimberley - 02-03-2013 05:47 AM

I don't think that the drawings of naked people is worrying.
She is obviously just caught up in the wrong crowd maybe.
But she is showing some signs of a depressive disorder. Get her help.
Good Luck!

- Sierra - 02-03-2013 05:47 AM

Keep an eye out for her. Take the matches away from her. The nude drawings... she could just be mature enough to realize the beauty of the female body. Her being bisexual is nothing to worry about. But why is she getting drunk? That definetly needs to come to a stop. Maybe when she's at school, peek around her room to see if she has some alcohol in there. If you feel like you need to because you're genuinly worried about her, look through her phone to see if there is anything she is telling her friends that she's not telling you or if she is drinking very heavily. If so, it needs to be found out immediately and taken care of.

- antilolicon - 02-03-2013 05:47 AM

Mam she's exparementing with things in her life she might be bi but that not a curable it's not a problem ether the drunk post is a way that for most insecure people try to fit in so people think she's cool the goth thing is a life style that she might or might not grow out of the match thing might be a form of rebeling she might feel that you are trying to mold her into something she doesn't want to be let her be herself and it may work out

- sallyz555 - 02-03-2013 05:47 AM

Middle school is the toughest time for most kids - the peer pressure is excessive, the hormones are blooming, and kids try to impress each other without having the maturity to really figure out who they are themselves. Everything you've mentioned is pretty darned normal - experimenting with sexual identity, distrust of adults, swearing and lying are really par for the course but nonetheless worrisome. Unfortunately way too many very young girls will drink and become sexually active at this time. My youngest daughter had several friends who flirted with the idea of bisexuality.Most of them were just trying to be "different", especially the most vocal among them, even though it seems that claiming to be bisexual is a path to popularity more so than a way to set yourself apart these days.
There may be no evidence that she is actually drinking and it could just be a ploy to sound cool, but kids this age become very adept at lying and being sneaky, so really keep your eyes open. I wouldn't worry about the goth thing.That's often just trying on a persona for attention.Trying to regulate her whole life too much can backfire and cause her to dig in her heels.
My youngest had a hard time at that age and I did take her to counseling for awhile. It did help her to have a non-judgmental adult to talk to. Kids are doing their best to find their identity outside their parent's purview, so it might be extremely difficult to get her to open up to you.Still, you should try to talk to her about your concerns. Even if she comes off with an attitude of, "how can you possibly be so stupid mom?!" , she will know that you care and that is a very valuable thing for a kid to know.

- latte - 02-03-2013 05:47 AM

if she has an interest in art, then i don't think having drawings of nude women is worrying. It must be because she is used to seeing girls which makes it easier for her to draw females than males. Drawing nudes is a way to learn anatomy for poses, etc.
But it kinda depends what kinds of poses she draws.

- Gladius - 02-03-2013 05:47 AM

Neither the nude art nor matches are worrisome. But getting drunk at her age is.