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what is education and why do you want it? - Printable Version

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what is education and why do you want it? - Sam - 02-03-2013 06:42 AM

I am just curious about what other people think

- Joe Blome - 02-03-2013 06:50 AM

Formal education is math, science, history and English. 12 years.


Real education is unschooling and learning about things you want to learn about. Connecting the dots between history and why we are where we're at now, instead of wondering why you're wasting your time in this European History class.

Unfortunately, education is too dumbed down today.

The news media likes to consider everyone who signs up for facebook and twitter as a tech-savvy hipster on the forefront of cutting edge technology. The reality is, as Carl Sagan put it: "We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."

I find it funny when the media groups people who post pictures, and update their status constantly as nerds with real tech-nerds, people who understand the physics behind the circuits, and the coding behind the program. But now you are educated in technology if you've learned how to fill out a form (including the fields without asterisks ;p) so you can start tweeting...

Engineering: the last real major.

How many people know how to use a cell phone? How many people know to program a cell phone?

How many people take microsoft office for granted? How many people who code excel?

Enough said. Education in society is a joke. Left in the 1950s, with a generation that wants to be in the 2050s... It's amazing me we all don't learn a programming language in K-6 education.