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Samsung galaxy 3 vs iphone 5? - bright - 02-03-2013 10:24 AM


- Rocky - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM

s3 - android
iphone - smaller

- Nicole - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM

I'd say get the Samsung galaxy 3 because the iPhone 5 is not much different from say the iPhone 4S; it's just longer. The Samsung seems really cool and I heard it's a good phone. You just tap it with another phone and it instantly sends videos etc.

- ScσττRΛSC³ - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM

iPhone 5

Better battery life
App Store
Better build
Better performance

@Anthony: Yet the iPhone 5 is as I said the better performing of the 2. as this link will prove.

- Anthony - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM

i5 = 1GB.

- Jason - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM

The s3 is more common with the crowd who want serious customisability. However for those who want a good smart phone that work out of the box and requires very little customisation of settings, then I would go for the iPhone five.

- anonymous - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM


The feature of iPhone it has a bigger screen than before.

This is the feature that will make iPhone 4S owners want to upgrade. The phone now supports LTE on the three main U.S. carriers: Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T. That means much faster browsing speeds and app downloads than what people were used to with their 3G-only iPhones. The processor in the phone is also faster, which means you won't be waiting around for much.

Somehow Apple has figured out how to make the camera in its phone even better, while still keeping it so thin. The iSight camera now captures photos more quickly, has better low-light performance, and has a panorama mode.

iOS 6's Maps and Passbook
The new iPhone will ship with Apple's new iOS 6 software (it will also be available for people with older phones on Sept. 19). There are more than five features we like in Apple's new iOS 6 software, but the new Maps app is stunning. The app features turn-by-turn navigation and 3-D renditions of cities and buildings. There's also Passbook, an app that aggregates all your coupons, tickets, and boarding passes.

Some of Samsung Galaxy S3
Samsung has nailed a key feature with the inclusion of the mammoth 2100mAh battery, and has managed to keep the handset weight down to 133g.
The S3 coped admirably with the enormous demands placed on it by the Super AMOLED HD display and quad core processor. We had high expectations that the handset would be the first smartphone to break the 12-hour barrier in our real-world usage test, and it did not disappoint.

During the test, corporate email, Gmail and Twitter accounts were set to push content throughout the day and we also carried out a range of tasks including web browsing and watching a 40 minute video. Brightness was cranked up to the maximum level, Wi-Fi remained off and battery saver was turned off.

The S3 powered through the entire 12 hour day and still had 27 per cent of the battery remaining. The screen was responsible for 52 per cent of the battery drain, mobile standby took up 19 per cent, voice calls 9 per cent and the Android OS 7 per cent.

With the ability to turn on a multitude of power saving options, it is possible to strength the battery life well beyond the 12 hour mark.

- unknown friend - 02-03-2013 10:32 AM

The s3 does everything the iPhone does and better. It also has the ability to expand the memory if you choose do. The iPhone does not. With apple what you buy is all you get, no changes allowed.

The android playstore has pretty much everything that iTunes has. The programs may have a different name like SIRI for apple is IRIS for android and if you don't like IRIS there are others that do the same thing too and it's free.

Androids have the ability to do way more, apple has a lot of restrictions like it won't let you see flash applications for example.

Samsung Galaxy phones have been 4g for at least 3 generations. The iPhone has been 3G until the 5 which has 4g.

iPhones have Samsung parts because they are the best.

iPhones are only good if you want something that you don't want to have to think about because they won't allow you outside the apple box.