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How do I get her to commit to me? - Printable Version

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How do I get her to commit to me? - Nick - 02-03-2013 12:03 PM

In 08, I started my 1st yr of college & there was this girl who I went to HS with but we never acknowledged each other until we got to college. We have a class together, she initiates flirting, I flirt back, she starts waiting in the lobby for me to walk to class, I was shy at first & she did everything to get me to open up (even said how my mysteriousness attracted her), start dating, the honeymoon phase starts, we fall in love w/each other, sign up for all of our classes together next semester, we spend 1 yr together until she gets ready to transfer to another college 2 hrs away. She asked me how I felt about her before she left since we never made it official & I tell her I love her, would remain loyal, visit her, & maintain a bf/gf relationship w/her & she's ecstatic, tells me she feels the same & loves me back.

1 yr passes & we get close to our 2 yr anniversary & I notice things start to change, she would become distant, gives me the silent treatment for no reason & then a couple weeks later sends me an "I miss u" text & things would be cool again. During the 1 yr we spent together we were happy 24/7, inseparable, no arguments/no fights, just complete happiness. She ends up meeting another guy at her new college, I find out, confront her, she says they're just friends, he wrote "I love you" on her facebook once, I tell her she needs to let him know she's in a relationship, I assume she will so I leave it alone, I find out from twitter convos they've been meeting up & assume she's cheating on me, I confront her again, she denies it/calls me jealous, we argued over text, she childishly unfriends me on fb, makes her twitter private, I get fed up w/constantly being disrespected/mistreated so we end up breaking up, a week later she's in a relationship with him, I regret it & try to get her back w/o mentioning him to not seem insecure, she ignores me, I ignore her existence. Fast forward a couple months later, I see her at walmart, we make eye contact, don't say a word to each other, I pretend I'm not hurting but it's killing me & I could see it hurts her, I try to move on w/my life.

1 yr after the breakup her friend convinces her that she misses me, we get back in contact, she's hurt at the fact I ignored her existence, I apologize, we reconnect, it's like the 1st time we met & fell in love w/each other, I assume she wants me back since we're acting like a couple(minus sex). 1day I randomly bring flowers, she loves them but tells me "we're just friends", I get mad & tell her how I feel/express how she broke my heart. She cries/apologizes for putting me thru a lot, tells me I'm a great guy who treated her very good & says she doesn't deserve me. I try to end the relationship right there since I finally got closure & to respect her relationship w/the guy she cheated on me with but she begs for my friendship. I start to distance my self but she continues begging for me to keep talking to her. I meet another girl, we start talking, I let my ex know & she gets jealous but claims she's not, but rants how I treat her different now since I have a new girl. My ex invites me over during Christmas break, cooks for me, & tries her hardest to seduce me, I fall for it, & want her so bad. I tell her how I regret everything, blame myself for her cheating on me by saying "we could've worked out our problems. I lost the love of my life/lover/best friend cause I was jealous & shy. I'd give anything to have your heart again." She says "you didn't lose me, we still talk, I'm still in your life, etc." But she wont leave her current bf(who she claims mistreats her & doesn't even live in our state anymore) for me & commit to me fully. She is basically having her cake & eating it too. We still go on dates, she still invites me over to her moms house to hang out/cook for me & sees me when she's in town. We never got the chance to have sex but yet she's still hooked on me, she knows I love her, what can I do to make her realize I'm the one for her and what exactly does she want from me?

- Joe - 02-03-2013 12:11 PM

even if you could convince her to commit again, it doesn't sound like this relationship is ever going to last long term

you had one year together that was good, a lot of relationships are awesome for a year

after she went 2 hours away, long distance relationships never really work out well. she was probably cheating longer than you knew, that's what happens like 90% of the time with ld

you're only making it harder by trying to be friends and keep getting together and breaking up again

If you want her that much this is probably what you'll have to deal with,
but I'd say move on, it's not happening