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Feeling discontent with society today..? - Printable Version

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Feeling discontent with society today..? - Emily - 02-03-2013 01:08 PM

Lately a lot of things have been wearing on my mind... I always have felt like I grew up in the wrong generation. I'm 20 years old and wish I had grown up in my parents time period. When Facebook, Twitter and texting didn't rule the world. I have a Facebook because I honestly feel like it's necessary in college, but a couple weeks ago I deleted it and I haven't felt better! I just wish people could see, see what cell phones and Internet have done to us. I feel alone in this way of thinking, and just wanted to know if anyone else has felt the same way. I guess I think we're going downhill. I mean first off, look at the music that is popular today. I can't stand it. Gagnum style? Taylor Swift? Where is the real talent? The days of The Smiths and Nirvana? I think about this stuff a lot and I get depressed about it. I hate my dependency on my phone, I wish I could get away with not having one.This kind of thought has just been driving me insane... please tell me other people can relate?

- Chris - 02-03-2013 01:16 PM

Don't worry, you are not alone, I feel you 100 percent! Our generation is lame. I am only 17, but the music I listen to is from the 60's, 70's, and 80's (also 90's and some modern music). Our society has been over run by bureaucrats and bleeding hearts. I don't feel bad about using my phone. You are feeling nogalstalic of the past. Here is the thought that cured all of that off of me;

It maybe in the past, but it is still with you, just technology has evolved. While there are digital fads, you just choose not to follow them.

I am also wondering, do you have Asperger's? If you have Asperger's, you may find social situations something you don't like and you won't usually buy into fads or trends. I don't mean it as an insult at all, I have it and if anything I am glad I have it so I am not like the kids my age.

Anyway, I can relate to you, and I am glad you think that way!

- QUID PRO QUO - 02-03-2013 01:16 PM

I am 40 and feel the same way... I only have a cell phone because my boss requires it. tech will be our downfall... What ever happened to: if you want to see someone you go visit?

I hope to buy some property and unplug soon... Best Wishes!

- yaori - 02-03-2013 01:16 PM

I feel the same way! I'm dissatisfied with how society works nowadays, how people live their lives, how people think ignorantly and take things for granted. How everything seemed to be less of sense now.

I feel like I have these expectations not for me, but for everyone else to see and realize. It's for all of us to have a better society, better love and clearer life. But then, I get so disappointed every time I see things fail me one by one.. continuously. It got me thinking that it's impossible to change things right now, I mean it's reality. This is how things work right now.

But I'm not that as disillusioned now. I learned to accept though sometimes, it just makes you think what will happen to the next generation. Well that also motivated me to be a better person. Possibly, to be the best person I could be so I can influence others, my relatives, friends and classmates - even just to share my insights and let them be enlightened too. Perhaps, that could also lead to some little miracle, a small impact of changing mindsets nowadays that can bring a difference to the future.

I just live at the moment. Savoring each day. Trying to obey God with my might. Working on myself to be a greater person than my parents so that when the day comes I'd have children, they would not miss out the essence of life. The deeper story of everyday living. That's it for me.

i like it when I encounter persons who are not just walking the earth with plain thinking. Smile

- Anonymous. - 02-03-2013 01:16 PM

So true. I've been thinking deeply about deactivating my facebook account too, (well, youve deleted it but same thing). I think most pop songs are ridiculous and theyre given too much credit for what is does not deserve. And for those who do deserve, they are not given enough attention. (btw, its Gangnam style lols) but yeah, i feel like i spend so much time stalking on people whom i honestly do not care about. And at one point you realize you've just spent two hours of your life that you'll forget in less than a minute.

Try to read books, books that catches your interest. And dont be so caught up in what the society is like. I've gone insane about how the world/society is crazy nowadays, at the end of the day, you cant change the society- and nor can Obama. (the one whose arguably the most powerful person on the planet)

You cant change others, but surely you can change yourself.
that is all, have a good evening/morning? depending on where you live hahaha

- Anonymous88 - 02-03-2013 01:16 PM

I'll admit, sometimes I hate how we're so consumed with being constantly connected, makes me miss the 90s sometimes, (born in 1990). Music wise, you have to understand it's ALWAYS going to be changing and evolving. It's not going to stay the same. Even great artists's change every once in a while too. Gagnum Style does suck, not much of a fan of Taylor Swift, but hey the girl can sing, if you don't like her you just have to A.) Listen to old stuff, which I do, or B.) Hunt for current talented artists, because they are out there, you can't expect for older artists to be around forever, that's just not how it's going to work. Anyways cheer up man, it's not the end of the world, I hope you're alright.