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Did children from the newtown shooting write parents letters in lockdown? - Printable Version

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Did children from the newtown shooting write parents letters in lockdown? - ZebraLover - 02-04-2013 02:30 AM

All over Facebook twitter & Instagram there's things about how the one student wrote his mom a letter before he go shot & killed. & another one about a student writing a note to her dad with brain tumor. They were really sad but google didn't show any evidence of any notes from students. Is it true?

- Joseph the Second - 02-04-2013 02:38 AM

I doubt it. They had NO Idea what was Going On... And Their Teachers probably wanted to make sure it STAYED That Way- so They wouldn't become even MORE Frightened & Upset...

- PoohBearPenguin - 02-04-2013 02:38 AM

No, it's not.

Interviews with the other teachers indicate that they were doing everything to keep the kids distracted and entertained while in lockdown.

The kids were told to get under their desks or take cover in the back of the classroom where the kids hang their coats. There wouldn't have been any way for the kids to write such a letter.

I don't know who posted those "letters" but, I think it's in pretty poor taste.

- Kevin - 02-04-2013 02:38 AM

Oh come on, are you that stupid? they were 5 & 6 and like they had time anyway