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what services can i offer to stores around my neighborhood? - Printable Version

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what services can i offer to stores around my neighborhood? - madee - 02-04-2013 05:07 AM

I would really like to start my own little business, I would like some ideas as to what types of services I can offer local stores or even artisans around.


- kemperk - 02-04-2013 05:15 AM

what services can you offer? find out your abilities and resources and then
do market research and write a biz plan
you have a good attitude; solve customer's problems and in this case, the retailer is YOUR customer!

- ClickStart - 02-04-2013 05:15 AM

Go to the local businesses and ask them what their biggest challenges are. Ask them if they need help with marketing or their computers or cleaning their business. See what they need, and fill that need.

Think about using a crowdfunding website like ClickStartMe to help fund your new business. While you cannot sell stock or ownership in your new venture trough crowdfunding, you can still fund your business by giving away rewards to donors in exchange for their financial support. For example, you can give away samples of your product or service, coupons or discounts for your customers, recognition of donors on your business or personal website or Facebook page, and even experiences for donors related to your business. Be creative with your rewards, and you will be on your way to crowdfunding your business.