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What's your opinion? - Printable Version

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What's your opinion? - Nickki - 02-04-2013 08:28 AM

Alright so me and the guy that I have a thing with right now...Im a bit confused and don't know how to handle this..
Im freshman, hes a senior *Yes I know..*
HE has a girlfriend already. I dont.
I know its bad but, I really like him and if he turned out to just be playing with me I honestly say I wouldnt mind it and I would play him back and just have some fun.
We came close to kissing one time..and we flirt like..really hard. He grabs behind me from my waist. He touches my stomach/back/waist/legs alot too. He tells me I'm cute a lot or always complimenting me. He pays attention to the littlest things like when I painted my nails again, or an itty bitty scratch on my finger or arm and ask what happen. Or ask where my binder is if I dont have it in school. He'll notice if Im in a different mood by looking at me. He tickles me alot too. and he held my hand once when we were alone. Otherwise he only grabs my hand. He told me he likes being really close to me. He waits for me. Tell me he missed me and we text everyday. Always has him arm around me too. And we hold our eye contact sometimes too and just look at eachother.
Theres a rumour at my school goin around that I have a boyfriend. But I don't and I know why people think it and its because of him. Numerous people have asked if we're dating but I have to say no. Cause we aren't. AND he has a girlfriend ! He never talks about his girlfriend. Should I bring her up? Be like "So are you and that one girl still dating?" or be like "so how are you and your girlfriend doing?" I'm fine having a thin with him and everything, but its a little uncomfortable that he has one. I want them to break up cause seeing the way he talks to her on facebook or twitter isnt even as close as the way he talks to me. Sorry if that sounded rude..but seriously. Gahh i dont know what to do. and I had a dream the other night about me and him and we finally kissed. Any advice? Sorry its so long..

- Lyla - 02-04-2013 08:36 AM

I know you are not going to want to hear this but you ask for our opinion. Girl, you need to run and not look back. He touches your stomach/back/waist and legs a lot. And you never dated the guy. What is wrong with you? Can't you see that the guy only wants one thing from you? And honey what he wants from you is not to share your piece of gum. Where is your self-respect? Why would you let a guy disrespect you this way? Don't you have more pride than that? Do you honestly believe that if he becomes your boyfriend that he will treat you differently than his girlfriend? He will do the same thing to you that he does to his girlfriend. The guy is a player. You know what a player is? You will only be one more notch on his belt. But the worst part to your story is that you go after guys that already have a girlfriend and it does not bother you at all. You are not a rude person. You are a selfish person. And someday you will have a boyfriend and someone just like you will come in the picture. How would you feel if someone did the same thing to you as you are doing to the girl that is involved with that guy? It does not matter if you think that they should be together or not. The fact is that they are still boyfriend/girlfriend. And as long as they are boyfriend/girlfriend then that means hands off. I think you really need to change how you think and how you act because if you keep going the way you are going then you will damage your reputation.