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How can I convince my parents to let me have facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I convince my parents to let me have facebook? - Freddy Wells - 02-12-2013 09:12 AM

I am 15 years old and all my friends have FB, but my annoying parents don't let me have it!!!
I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to convince my parents to let me have it!
Thanks in advance Tongue

- Jesse - 02-12-2013 09:20 AM

Dont tell them

- The Bang - 02-12-2013 09:20 AM


You mean When.

They say no, it's prettymuch a done deal...

unless you help pay for the internet.

- Jasper Gabriel - 02-12-2013 09:20 AM

then tell them your friends have one. tell them the security features of facebook.

- Stephanie F - 02-12-2013 09:20 AM

For starters, I wouldn't give you that advice as you are disrespecting your parents and calling them annoying. There are more important things in life than being on Facebook or having what your "friends" have. There are many people in this world who do not have internet or even a phone. No big deal. People steal your identity and things and I don't blame them for the decision for them not to let you have a Facebook account.

- Ben - 02-12-2013 09:20 AM

do not tell them

- Jimmy - 02-12-2013 09:20 AM

Have you asked them the reasons why they won't let you have it?

Your parents may have legitimate reasons why you shouldn't have it.

I have a FB. Trust me, your not missing out on a lot of things. To be honest, I think it's a waste of time. Of course, it's fun. Everyone has it. But the fun is a waste of time once again. I mean, really how much do you got to keep in touch? --I can go on about this...

FB is basically another e-mail platform to send messages, share pics, vids, and "twitter" like comments.

Kind of like a cell phone that has all the extra gadgets--it's meant for calling in the first PLACE! But now--it can text, record voice, send video, play 1000 apps, go on youtube, etc. The real purpose is using the cellphone for calling others.

Just like FB--E-mails are used to keep in touch. Everything else on FB is EXTRA. . .

Lastly--Don't get me wrong, EVERYONE has it, its almost the norm. But, you are NOT obligated to join FB. I will admire you if you never get FB. I'm pretty sure others will to. I would like to know in the future if you make one or not-- Maybe my words may have a influence on you.