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Does anyone believe this thing with mikey way? - Printable Version

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Does anyone believe this thing with mikey way? - Chelsea - 02-12-2013 10:05 AM

Okay so I woke up this morning to find a ***tstorm on my twitter suing that mikey way has cheated on his wife and is now engaged to a 19 year old and that they have been having an affair for a while.. As someone who likes my chemical romance it is annoying to read stuff like this but I want to know what other people's opinions in it are I mean I alway thought mikey was the innocent one of the band and then this happens, can you please post your opinions on it? And truthfully it is annoying how people are giving mikey hate when they haven't heard his side yes he cheated but give him time to explain it..

- Rachel Sheen - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

I'm not an MCR fan but I've even heard about this. To be honest it's a little far fetched and there are no official reports on it. Yes, people are really jumping to conclusions, it's best to just wait and see. Sorry I have nothing useful haha Smile

- Zamantha - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

I was kind of mad to hear this and sad. Being an MCR fan and all. Well i found this i don't know if it helps clear things up but yeah. If it's true, i have really lost all repsect for Mikey. Here's a link and just scroll down a bit and you'll find a LONG post about it.

- Kez - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

I honestly am not sure he will comment about it. He is a secretive person, and at times like this sometimes it can be better to just let it blow over than comment on it. However, fans should not judge until they hear his side of the story. His side is worth hearing, so please don't jump to conclusions.

I don't know who wrote this, but there is some truth in there:

Also, what happens in their private lives is not really any of our business... hence the name "private life". It was stupid of them to post pictures on the internet - a very public place - but that doesn't mean fans have the right to pry.

Edit: In response to some of the other answers - yes, the pictures prove Mikey is seeing somebody else, but they do not prove he was cheating. Keep your nose out of it until Mikey's explained the situation (if he ever does, which I doubt he will).

- HOMMIE! - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

I'm pretty sure this provides more than enough evidence to prove that this whole thing is actually true.

- _Laura_x - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

The fact that Alicia Way tweeted "Devastated.. (but ill be back). xo." on twitter and Lindsey Way replied to her saying "I love you. You are apart of my family and nothing will ever change that." makes me think yes it is true, What we know may not be entirely true, but it's clear he's finished with Alicia. Whether it was after he finished things with her, or if he was cheating on her, I don't know but whatever he did he has obviously pissed a lot of his friends off just look at Lindsey's tweets. Lindsey tweeted so many things related to it such as "I can only assume you wanted people to know... Sloppy. have you no shame????" and "Disgusted." which are clearly about the other girl, whatever her name is. Bob Bryar even tweeted something to Mikey about how jesus will understand, which I found hilarious!

So basically I think Mikey is in a new relationship, actually it seems he definitely is. but I don't think we'll ever fully know what happened. Whether he was actually cheating on Alicia, or if they split up and then he got with the new girl. If he did cheat on her like everyone's saying, I'll lose some respect for him. It won't make me hate him or MCR like a lot of immature people are saying!! That's just stupid.

- Lorraine - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

Unfortunately- it's true. I'm a realist and all it took was he pictures of them cuddling and kissing to prove it. Pictures don't lie. And this is reality. It sucks b/c some of their songs are very romantic and Gerard is the type who I don't think would ever cheat- I thought he would have that influence over his brother, but unfortunately he turned out to be a scumbag.

- Arcsum - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

It's real.

- Bitchtitsâ„¢ - 02-12-2013 10:13 AM

I'm a HUGE mcr fan, and I think it's true... aside from all the twitter/tumblr whining, there's the hinting bitching Frank keeps posting... but for true confirmation, you're going to have to wait. A scandal this big they're going to have to post something on their official blog (, although I doubt you don't know that).