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why is the girl i like ignoring me? - Printable Version

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why is the girl i like ignoring me? - Charlie - 02-12-2013 11:57 AM

yesterday in the snow, the girl i like started a snowball fight with me and in a playing way, i started to throw them back, everybody got sent home from school and she asked me to come out with her (im 15 shes 14) and i said i will tomorrow and she still hasnt replied since 3 pm yesterday. and another question is do you think she likes me? (i know she has seen the messages because of she was on twitter off the phone i texted her on)

- Karen - 02-12-2013 12:05 PM

Sorry, I can't really tell if she likes you from that much info, but she obviously likes you as a friend (at least!) if she wants to be out alone with you.
Maybe she thinks she's been too pushy or doesn't want to seem desperate. When I like a guy, I'll ask him to hang out, and if he says no for whatever reason, I have to admit, I get paranoid and think he's not into me :/ just explain your situation to her and let her know that you're into her
Good luck! Hope it goes well for you Smile

- from - 02-12-2013 12:05 PM

You missed your chance lil dude we can say she's interested in you it start a snowball fight and then ask you to go over hers but you sad no, if she still asked you to go over then say sorry and explain why you didnt go over when she asked and go over to hers you don't want to miss out on being her boyfriend, right?

- Anthony - 02-12-2013 12:05 PM

Ok dude. Even tho thats not much info, I think the girl at least feels something for u. She probably hasn't replied because she doesn't wanna seem too desperate or clingy. Good luck tho, man. Mine.;_ylt=Algsb1tlfRzGe4Q5fWLvDPsM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130118190532AAp6WIo

- lisa - 02-12-2013 12:05 PM

YES Big Grin its so possible that she likes you but sometimes we girls ignore the guy is to get them ask us. "Are. U alright".Tongue