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Your opinion on a friendship..? - Armoni - 02-12-2013 12:07 PM

So my boyfriend has a female friend. She is his BEST friend and I respect that and didn't have a problem with it up until recently. He has been telling me that there are NO "extra" feelings involved but then I'll see them conversing on Twitter and they say things like " I love you".. " no, i love you more".. and flirty things. I can't help but wonder. He tells me that they are so close that they have slept in the same bed and have not done anything.. He calls her beautiful, gorgeous and always talks about her when he's with me. I don't mind listening but every time I see him I don't necessarily want to discuss her. I know she is coming in town next weekend and I would love to meet her. But he hasn't mentioned it to me that sh'es coming. My best friend told me. He also haas yet to tell her that we are expecting a BABY... smh... I just want to know if I am overeacting. What does this situation sound like to you?.. Does he like her? I just don't want to get hurt

- Katie - 02-12-2013 12:15 PM

she wants the d

- J.L. Grant - 02-12-2013 12:15 PM

I'm that girl best friend you're talking about. Maybe not in this specific scenario, but I can offer you a viewpoint beyond your own. Your boyfriend and this girl are close, like siblings, and will tell each other that they love one another. Flirting may occur, but that's expected. If you trust your boyfriend, you will trust that he is faithful to you. If you have your suspicions, ask him about her! Smile

Answer mine please?

- Emmy - 02-12-2013 12:15 PM

DONT trust him.Sersiouly,this isnt good.He shouldnt be flirting with be honest,hes cheating on you.Ive seen this a lot of times,and the gut feeling is always right.You dont deserve to be treated like a dumbass.This isnt good.I wouldnt not trust him.And he shouldnt be sleeping in the same bed with her...or calling her beatiful or gourgoues..this isnt good at all..

- Babyface - 02-12-2013 12:15 PM

My opinion is that if my bf wants to have female friends then he can have. However I'm against them getting physically close. I don't mind him saying her she's beautiful but I will mind it if he gives a lustful look to her. I don't mind them messaging or texting as long as they don't talk about sex. I don't want them to discuss about their sex life either. I wouldn't mind if he says he loves her because love is a universal feeling. Meaning it can be applied to anyone and anything. Like how some girls say they love their best friends though they don't have any sexual feelings for them. That's the reason why I won't be bothered if he tells another girl he loves her.
Things are not right when a man and a woman get too physically close and talk about sex. This will bring them too close and a chance of an affair can happen.

Some humans are pretty oblivious to what they're words and action could mean to someone else. They are pretty stupid. They think that as long as they don't have sex with someone they are faithful. They think sex is what love is but they are wrong. Love is not only about sex. It is also about caring, communicating, supporting, making your love happy and being together. Yes it's right that as long as there's no sex between two people, they are not cheating but they don't know that a hug and holding hands are another form of physical intimacy. Yes it is not intense as sex but it is still intimate. What's more is that it is a sign that these people are close together emotionally and go to each other for support. And if they are not family members or anyone they can't have sex with, they can get intimately close i.e. fall in love. They don't see what's the hidden meaning is behind each word and action and that's why they don't know what they do is wrong. Maybe your bf has no intention of cheating you or liking her but the girl might start to like him and that could cause a problem. What's more is that I have noticed that in these situations if the couple have a big fight then the man(or woman) will go to someone who he(or she) believes will help support him( or her) in his(or her) emotional pain. Some people can't handle emotional stress at all. They always need a someone to love them and help get over it. If the couple had a fight, and the person who the man believes will understand him and support him is a woman there's a chance he will have sex with her. Sex is the way most people usually do to get over their emotional/mental stress. That's the reason why most people don't like seeing their partners get too close because if they make a mistake or become boring and make their love life dull, they fear that their partners will not give them a chance to improve their relationship and leave them to be with their best friend or someone to start a new relationship with them or cheat on them.
Even I also fear this. But I know that if this ever happens then it was because my bf never did found me special. We simply weren't meant to be with other. So I wouldn't mind moving on and finding new love.

Meet that girl. If she seems to be too close with your bf and it is bothering you, then have a talk about this with your bf. Tell him you don't mind him having female friends but you don't want him to be too close to them. Don't get into a fight with him. Avoid that. Just calmly and sincerely explain to him it bothers you and you would really appreciate it if he doesn't gets too close to her.

Take care.