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Is sending sexy pictures to an ex a bad idea? - Printable Version

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Is sending sexy pictures to an ex a bad idea? - Shae - 02-12-2013 04:06 PM

My boyfriend dumped me for another girl and to get back at him i want to show him what he's missing by sending a sexy picture. Not naked or anything but maybe wearing something form-fitting to show off my curves. im kind of pudgy now (which is probably the reason he left *sigh*) but i plan on losing about 40 lbs to accentuate my figure and then sending the pic. Will it work or is this a bad idea waiting to happen? Im not doing it to get him back because he kind of screwed me over when he dumped me but i do want revenge like "look what you let go of." Or should i just put it on a social media site and hope he sees it?
im not losing the weight just for him. it's for my health. but being able to show off my newfound figure would be the added bonus i need Smile
OMG you guys saying you hope he gets an STD r too funny i am over here crying. i mean std's arent funny but...still kinda funny

- Shae - 02-12-2013 04:14 PM the best idea i've heard all day honey.

- likindria - 02-12-2013 04:14 PM

You should just get him off of your mind. e shouldn't be able to see what he's missing until he see's you with someone else that you are genuinely happy with. Don't do any of that stuff your talking about its really childish and out of line.

- James - 02-12-2013 04:14 PM

idk but you can send me sexy pictures Smile lol

- Ballistic B - 02-12-2013 04:14 PM

let him go. do it for yourself. do it for the next guy. fuck that loser. he could go kill himself. dont be a whore about your body that you dont have yet. focus on getting it. thinking about revenge as your ultimate goal wont help you get there at all..thinking that your better off without him and that hes a loser, forgetting about all that stuff and being happy about working on your figure will have the best results. the guy isnt worth all that effort. hope he gets an std. goodluck to you

- Tyrone Nyema - 02-12-2013 04:14 PM

It sure is. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself.

- Scarlet_ - 02-12-2013 04:14 PM

don't send a picture. He might think it was photo-shopped or something. Accidentally bump into him somewhere, maybe going to a bar that he likes???? That way he can see you in full view! Then just rub it into his face by dancing with other guys etc.

Also forget about him! Hope his new girl has An STD or gets he gets her pregnant Smile