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How to break up with my boyfriend? - Kaitlyn - 02-12-2013 05:46 PM

I've been dating him for 6months and I'm just not happy I'm 14. He gets really rude at times and he always tells me to never tell him no so last night I kept saying it cos he can't control me. And everytime I said. No he slapped my leg harder And harder. And he already gave me a bruse on my thigh. He says he loves me but he's rude. And whenever I wanna hangout with my friends he's gets mad and gets rude. I can't take it no more. I don't love him and he's to immature for me. He also told me last night that I can't go see Justin bieber in concert and if I do I minds well break up with him or he might break up with me but its not till July. He controls me over like everything and he always thinks he's right and I'm wrong like last night he said that I had to take the boys off my twitter or he's breaking up with me. And he said I was following like 30 boys andi was only following 10 and he always thinks he's right about everything and he's always mad at me. I don't wanna be in this relationship no more but I'm scared to break up with him. What should I exactly say I'm doing this over text bc he will just hit me or something if I do it in person..please help I'm so depressed I am not happy help me what to say please. Thank you for reading this thank you so much!

- Shelby - 02-12-2013 05:54 PM

Sorry.. But at the age of 14 you shouldn't be dating anyone.. Your too young

- Jennyyyyy - 02-12-2013 05:54 PM

I was in the exact same situation as you, I told him straight that I wasn't happy and he understood.Call him and do it, and if he begins to be violent tell your parents! You shouldn't be in this relationship because you're unhappy! good luck x

- Manic599 - 02-12-2013 05:54 PM

Uh 14. You hardly know how to properly date yet. I won't even let my 15 year old date. The problem with dating at your age is that they always take it further then it needs to be. Not saying emotions are fake... But they're over the top without a full understanding. There isn't love at your age. I always would tell my kids (age ranged 15-30) that if you think you can date before you can drive, you aren't ready. All I can read is drama in your situation. He thinks he can control you, he is NOT your property an you are not his. Just straight up break up. Tell him what he is doing wrong. He doesn't know how to date, like you, which is why all this drama is there. It's unneeded. As a mother of 9 kids, I'm telling you to not even create more drama. You sometimes have to tell it like it is. It's practical. This may have sounded harsh, but I've raised 7 kids, with only 2 living at home now. I'm giving you a mothers point of view. Good luck sweetheart!

- lloyd - 02-12-2013 05:54 PM

tell him that things aren't working, tell him you want to take a break from each other. if he hits you again, report him.

another way to break up with him is just to keep the boys on your twitter and let him break up with you!

- E - 02-12-2013 05:54 PM

He's too immature for you? Lol hon, you are both way too immature to be in a relationship. Just break up with him, it doesn't matter how you do it. But you should also tell your parents that he's threatened and slapped you. Show your mom the bruise. He needs to get grounded. If you are too scared to do it in person, text him, then tell your parents.