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How do I ask her out? Please answer!? - Printable Version

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How do I ask her out? Please answer!? - Roelito - 02-12-2013 06:38 PM


So I was on 'Twitter' a few days ago, and a girl, that I'm currently interested in, tweeted that she wanted someone to direct message her. I took the "bait," and direct messaged her. She seemed interested. We kept messaging each other, and I made her laugh a few times. I asked her for her number that same day, and she gave it to me. Today, at school, I saw her a few times. She said, "hi" to me, and I said, "hi" back. I recently just text messaged her, and we had a short conversation, but she stopped replying (which is probably a sign that she isn't interested in me).

My question:

I think she's pretty cute, and I want to make her my girlfriend. We're both in high school. She's in 10th grade, and I'm in 11th grade (so we don't have any classes together). I want to ask her to hangout, but I think it's too sudden. I don't want to screw things up by acting too early (if you know what I mean). I messed up with another girl, and I don't want to mess up again with this girl. How do I achieve this goal? Please answer! Thanks!

- Adam - 02-12-2013 06:46 PM

You say "hey, let's hang out after school sometime."

You're seriously over-complicating this. Your fear of "acting too early" is why most guys end up in the dreaded "friend zone." See if you've heard this one: you're planning to slowly work your way in over a few days or weeks and build a rapport, and then you feel she's well and comfortable with you, then you'll ask her to hang out with you, but not a date! Just casual."

Dude, don't even bother with that crap. The reason dudes get friend zoned is because they're not clear with their intentions right off. Honestly if you've logged 6 hours of chat time with her and have not even mentioned at least getting coffee or lunch together, you're already in danger.

Do you think the football players that score all the girls do so by being affectionate and understanding and waiting for long periods of time to ask the cheerleaders out? No, they just go for it. And if she says no, he's fine with it, because he's confident and knows that there are plenty others out there. But in most cases she won't say no because women, even at that age, are attracted to status.

The point is, ask her out. Don't be a confidant or that's how she'll treat you. And if she says no, move on. It's not you job to let her cry on your shoulder while she dates a caveman. Don't get the dreaded "one-itis." There are more girls out there than you can fathom. So get to it.

- Courtney - 02-12-2013 06:46 PM

Maybe she didn't reply because she's busy. Make sure you don't text her constantly.
If you don't wanna screw up just ask her to hang with you and your friends. Ask some people to go to the movies with you or bowling and invite her. Don't make your self sound desperate. Just be nonchalant about it. If she can't go just shrug it off and say we can hang next time. It gives you an excuse to see her out of school and you can show her how charming and nice you can be. She will definitely wanna hang out again with you. Maybe alone next time. You never know. Just be yourself and be patient.