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I need advice my boyfriend randomly broke up with me and I go back to school tomorrow plz help me :(? - Printable Version

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I need advice my boyfriend randomly broke up with me and I go back to school tomorrow plz help me :(? - ♥ - 02-12-2013 07:54 PM

Ok this is gonna be long. so it was thursday when it all started. I texted him saying hey and he said the same. Then I asked whats up and he said nothing just laying down... and since he put the dots I asked if anytjing was wrong hey he immediatly asked what are you doing today? I said nothing why? He said wanna hsngout? I said sure and then hes like no I have soccer can you hang tomorrow? And I said okay. He never texted back. I texted him 7 hours later asking if he was mad. That night he made a twitter and told people to follow him on fb. He doesnt know I have a twitter I made one months ago because I liked seeing the quotes. But anyways after I texted him, he tweeted "expecting a text or call that never comes .__. Lol" . I knew he saw my text and I knew something was wrong. He texted me 5 hours later when I was sleeping say im not mad sorry im texting you this late Sad and to be honesr he was my first love :/okay so the next day I texted him saying its cool and then he said ight good. Then he took forever to text back and so I said text back? Sad and then he said sorry im working out side. And I knew iy was a lie because he was on fb every minute. Then 10 minutes late saying "I think we should take a break from eachother Sad" and I said "why Sad talk to me" and then he texted me all of this "This past 6 months with you have been amazing I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than you. You've changed me as a person. To be a better person. I never though I would fall in love this young but you change that. Me and you have great memories we shared alot of laughs and alot of fights. I know I haven't been the greatest boyfriend ever but that's because I'm still trying to figure shit out, all I want is to make you happy and I know that you're happy being with me and I'm happy with you. But Babe I want you to know that you mean the world to me. I see you being in my life later on in life for sure, but right now I need a break. It's not that I don't wanna b with you or I don't like you anymore i just need a break for myself. I don't want to loose what we have, your to special & cherish you.. I want us to last.. That's why I need a break.. Your the type of girl I would date later on maybe even marry.. But we're still young & I don't want to fuck up what we have.. It's j!

ust to valuable to me.. That's why I need a break . I truly honestly hope u understand me.. I don't want to loose my best friend because honestly you've been always here for me and I would love to be always here for you. you know I love you alot and me and you can be great friends for now. and give each other time. and I know this is a really rude way to break up, but I don't think I could've done it in person I wouldn't be able to see a single tear fall don't your beautiful eyes, you have and once again I'm really sorry its not you or our relationship or something l its just that I really feel like we should save this special thing we have to later on in life but I really hope you understand me and please don't cry I'm not stopping loving you or this doesn't mean we can't share secrets like we do or stop talking or you stop sitting in lunch with me. I don't want that to happen and yes I know its going to be awkward but we'll get over it. all this was from the bottom of my !

heart. " I was broken. And I figure things out he didnt have shit going on in his life he wanted sex. And I wasnt ready so thats why im not hos type right now. Im his type for later like he said. We texted a little bit more after that but then I stopped. My mom said to not text him the whole weekend. Idk what to do for at school tomorrowSad do you think hes gonna do anything and try to talk to me? My friends tell me he never lived me as much as I loved him and that he doesnt deserve me. Im just nervous for tomorrow. The whole break uo was so randomly and disrespectful I mean he broke up with me thru text! Well tell me what you guys think thank you so much
We also havent seen eachother for 2 weeks... so when he sees me tomorrow.. I wonder how hes gonna feel? What do you guys think

- JJ - 02-12-2013 08:02 PM

to long

- Parker - 02-12-2013 08:02 PM

It sounds like he has his eye on someone else and is trying to make you wait for him in case it doesn't work out with that person.

At school, dress cute and laugh and look totally happy. Completely ignore him. He will either want you back or at least regret letting you get away. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you sad.

- Freddy - 02-12-2013 08:02 PM

Parker is right. Act like you are not down or upset about things. Make yourself look good, laugh alot, and pretend like things are fine. He'll probably notice and try to talk to you. You could either give him short answers and say you have to go to class, or just talk to him normally. Just go into tomorrow not worrying about what is going to happen, and do what you think you should do when the time comes. Hope things work out for you!

- Cara - 02-12-2013 08:02 PM

Hey, I know how you feel. When I read it I just wanted to cry. He seems like one of those guys that are like "I'll make this girl feel really special, make her seem like the love of my life, then i'll get the sex, and then i'm good." But the way he put that text who knows.

Maybe he planned on moving a little bit faster in the relationship then you wanted to. To-marrow if he talks to you talk to him. But if he's quiet and ignores you leave him alone. Wait for him to talk to you. If he loves you as much as you think he does he will come back to you. He probaly just wanted to be more serious in the relationship

- sevs - 02-12-2013 08:02 PM

Everything probably going to be fine just like he said. Treat it like a regular day except now your single. I think the way he handled the break up was actually pretty nice. I can see where he is coming from esp. because you guys are still so young and you are withholding sex...if he wants it he is going to have look elsewhere or force you which would be a terrible thing to do. And for him to break up with you instead of cheat on you does make sense because like he said he still loves you and still really wants to be with you but he really just wants to have sex and if he cheated on you and got caught it would mess everything up. Your relationship would be much worse off because of all the trust issues you would probably have. At least with a clean break up like this you could get back together down the road once hes lived a little and had some fun because your both still happy with each other....well i guess now that you know its probably about sex your not too happy but hey thats the way guys are in high school and early college years.