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How can I improve My Autism to my Advantage? - Printable Version

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How can I improve My Autism to my Advantage? - Chris Gil - 02-13-2013 03:27 AM

I have autism and having it means I have a lack of cognitive empathy the following statement explains. "People who suffer from schizophrenia or autism-spectrum disorders lack cognitive empathy, although they have emotional empathy. When asked to view emotionally charged photographs, people with these disorders tend to have an emotional reaction, although they cannot speculate what the person in the picture may be thinking. These organic deficits impair social interaction and lead to people with these disorders feeling disconnected from others." Having that issue, how can I improve on it ? Also, having Autism hasn't made making friends easy at all, all the failures with making new friends ( only have 3 I talk to more ) when it came to women I honestly believed and somewhat still do that there's seriously something wrong with me, cause I don't like to believe that " oh she's out of your league" bullshit, I like to believe that any man can get any girl, just gota know how, also the failures have started to fade away, and I was wondering what are some tips on not letting them cloud my mind cause they sometimes do from time to time, also what are some social tips that y'all can give me to help with women or how to deal with certain women or how to deal with a certain situation, also sometimes when I've talked to women hey get smart with me when I'm honestly trying to have a conversation to see where it goes, what can I do to. Or how should I think so I won't look socially stupid, also way about when girls do that on Facebook ?

- Mercedes J - 02-13-2013 03:35 AM

you cannot improve autism all you can really do is learn coping skills and how to deal w it

- Zelda - 02-13-2013 03:35 AM

If u haven't yet, start to draw. People with autism have a very creative feature. Great thing to learn and is very highly respected if u get good at it. Maybe eventually u can be a tattoo artist. I'm a body piercer And have worked with all kinds of people.. YouTube stoney the famous tattoo artist... Everyone in this kind of industry accepts everyone. No matter what your condition is.

- Tom Johnson - 02-13-2013 03:35 AM

How bad is it? Mines nearly unnoticeable I am an average boy besides my lisp. But I can't feel empathetic towards anyone easily at all. If your really wierd you won't get a girl sorry

- Jody - 02-13-2013 03:35 AM

Obviously you have high functioning autism (HFA) and that means you get lonely.

You should work on social cues and body language and what they mean to non-autistic people. People with HFA often approach others with brutal honesty and bluntness and that can be disconcerting for the average person, especially females when you're a male.

Study how other conversations develop between girls and boys in school and on facebook, notice the give and take in exchanges. Notice the boundaries and the body language between them. Just be an observer until you feel more confident. Good luck.